Pia Payne

Pia Payne

Pia Payne is Associate Publisher/Brand Manager for NonProfit PRO. Reach her at ppayne@napco.com.

Direct Mail Premiums: Pros and Cons From a Former Pro

Love them or hate them, direct mail premiums have a long track record of lifting response and, at least initially, average gift. But the degree to which they work, and the effort they take to manage, is dependent upon your needs and abilities...

Using Our Power for Good

Currently, a few careers that should 
provide positive impacts are taking a collective emotional toll on us. 
I’m referring to the latest spate of police violence and the vitriol 
in politics. It feels like a big light is shining on how 
a number of these folks are not working in our communities’ best 
interests. So I’d like to use my power (of the pen) to remind all of us who are connected to the nonprofit world that we, too, can have great power. And we must use it for good...

Save a Nickel, Lose a Dollar

At what point will the charity watchdogs and, more 
importantly, the general population, understand that “not for profit” does not equate to “for free?” What can we all be doing to help people understand that, like any job, nonprofit organizations want to pay their staff a fair wage with benefits and provide a decent place to work. That good work deserves to be 

Opinion: The Most Undervalued Nonprofit Professional

It’s probably you. Or could be you in the near future. And if not, then definitely some of your friends. I’m talking about the 4 million moms, dads, teachers, community members and other concerned citizens who are currently PTA members that willingly share their precious time with their children’s schools...

State of the Industry: Highlights from AFP-NYC’s 2016 Annual Meeting

On Jan. 13, Association of Fundraising Professionals, New York City Chapter (AFP-NYC) held its fourth annual State of the Industry meeting at CURRENT at Chelsea Piers in New York. It was a remarkably productive event, accomplished in an impressively short amount of time. For those of you who were unable to attend, here are a few highlights...

Measuring Conference Success

Another year, another three to eight conferences. And every year you learn something new, meet tons of people and walk away thinking, “That was the best conference ever!” But what really happens when you get back to your office? How will you measure the success of your conference experiences this year?

Join the NonProfit PRO Event Circuit

The nonprofit world is rife with educational and networking opportunities. And with our industry growing and changing so much, at such incredible speed, how can one keep up? When planning our events this year, our short list to work around was 36 events. Thirty-six! And those were only the easily identifiable ones from less than a handful of major associations.

Your Supporters Are Your Investors

Whether nonprofit or for-profit, the people whom you reach are critical to your success. How do you give them that feeling of being connected and satisfied with their experience with you?

Change Equals Opportunity

Change equals opportunity. And with opportunity, great things are possible. That's why FundRaising Success had to become NonProfit PRO.