A big part of life—as we know from our profession—is continually giving and continually learning. Continue to associate with great folks and be part of a cause larger than yourself. Don't make leading or giving a "season of life." Make it a lifelong habit and commitment.
Getting people to write checks to support your organization can be tough. But what of those folks who already are writing you a check every year? What of your members? In the July 2006 issue, then FS Associate Editor Abny Santicola explored how to encourage members to see the “added benefit” of giving "Above and Beyond" their membership dues.
Three fundraising professionals shared 30 ideas for fundraising success at Fund Raising Day in New York. Here are ideas 11-20.
A merger of YorkCounts and the York County Community Foundation was announced Monday.
When it became apparent that community-building nonprofit YorkCounts and the York County Community Foundation were frequently overlapping in their efforts to improve the county, joining forces seemed to be practicing what they preached, said Eric Menzer, chairman of the foundation board.
The decision, which takes effect immediately, means that YorkCounts will now operate as an initiative of the York County Community Foundation. The foundation manages a variety of endowment funds and distributes about $3 million in grants annually for community improvement projects.
Nonprofit brand strategy consultant Michele Levy provided 11 marketing communications best practices that fundraisers should utilize in their communications strategies in a recent webinar, Ten Marketing Communications Activities You Must Do.
Jane Hoffman, president of the Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals, discusses her organization and its fundraising initiatives.
The competition for foundation grants is greater than ever with charitable service demand at an all-time high. So to ensure your organization is in position to grab the attention of grantmakers, make sure you're set up with the pre-grantseeking needs foundations look for.
WASHINGTON—Members of associations across the country give generously to community causes and organizations, but fewer than 15 percent ever make a contribution beyond dues and fees to the professional associations to which they belong. A new study recently published by ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership, The Decision to Give: What Motivates Individuals to Support Professional Associations, explores giving by association members both to community causes and to associations, while also highlighting some opportunities to increase donations among association members.
The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Board of Directors today announced the election of G. Steven Dapper , chairman and founder of hawkeye, as chairman of the board. Don McKenzie , CEO of Direct Group, was elected vice chairman of the board. The terms of office commenced at DMA’s board meeting today in Washington, D.C.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning (PPP) are involved in discussions aimed at developing an affiliation agreement and forming a united organization dedicated to advancing ethical fundraising and philanthropic planning practice.
AFP (which encompasses 30,000 fundraisers working in all aspects of the profession) and PPP (which represents over 8,000 individual and council members working in the area of philanthropic planning) are two of the largest fundraising organizations in the world. An affiliation between the two would help unify the fundraising profession and strengthen the holistic approach to serving donors and the charitable missions that they support. An affiliation would also provide greater educational opportunities; increased distribution and use of best standards and ethical practices; and a stronger voice on issues related to public policy, fundraising practice, and donor service.