Announcing the 2012 Fundraising Campaign of the Year: Leader Dogs for the Blind's Graduation Poster.
Announcing the 2012 Special Events Campaigns of the Year: MIND Research Institute and Avow Hospice, along with the Lions Eye Institute for Transplant & Research.
Announcing the 2012 On the Edge Campaign of the Year: SCO Family of Services.
Announcing the 2012 Multichannel Campaigns of the Year: People for the American Way and Christian Appalachian Projects, along with Northeast Animal Shelter and Central Park Conservancy.
Announcing the full list of the 2012 FundRaising Success Gold Awards for Fundraising Excellence winners.
Over the weekend, online fundraising platform provider StayClassy honored the winners of its 4th Annual CLASSY Awards in San Diego. Overall, four winners were awarded in each of the 16 categories, with every category claiming a winner by region: East, Midwest, South and West.
On Friday, the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association held its 2012 Package of the Year luncheon, honoring the Package of the Year winners. Here are some notable quotes from the event.
Vote today for the Getting Attention Nonprofit Tagline Awards. Deadline is midnight, Friday, Oct. 5.
The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges (ACCSC) named the Illinois Center for Broadcasting's Chicago Campus the winner of Community Service Awards for 2012. ICB was recognized for making an outstanding contribution in the local community through continued work for one of the nation’s leading foundations dedicated to the homeless.
The students’ involvement in the creation and production of a 30-minute documentary about A Safe Haven Foundation was the determining factor for the Commission in selecting the school as the winner of the award.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in partnership with the Council on Foundations, announced the first winners of a new awards program to recognize community foundations for the excellent work they do along with their public partners in the areas of housing and community development.
The new HUD Secretary's Award for Community Foundations honors community foundations that work closely with the public sector on projects involving housing and neighborhood improvements, education, health and recreation, transportation, community participation, arts and culture, public safety, sustainability, and economic development.