
Reality (You’ve Got to Deal With It)
March 29, 2017 at 8:42 am

I’ve seen great turnarounds in poor-performing nonprofits. I’ve also seen many fail terribly. To map out a plan for greater mission focus, increased impact, heightened leadership and transformational philanthropic support are invigorating. But to get to that vision, you must first deal with reality—where you are. And that often means making tough decisions...

Culture of Philanthropy: Are You Ready?
March 15, 2017 at 3:45 pm

More and more often, we hear this catchy phrase "culture of philanthropy" and how essential it is to high levels of nonprofit fundraising success. Having worked as a staffer for many years, I’m a firm believer. If you want to raise more money and retain more donors, start by looking at your collective mindset toward philanthropy—a culture shift doesn’t start with strategy...

Whose Job Is It, Anyway?
March 1, 2017 at 11:57 am

It's quite interesting from a consulting perspective the wide array of decision-making processes in retaining counsel. In larger organizations that have a budget for resources, including hiring advisors and consultants, hiring consultants is most often a staff decision. And it should be...

3 Key Strategies to a Successful Board
February 22, 2017 at 12:34 pm

When I visit with nonprofit leaders—staff and board alike—the need for high performing board members who clearly understand their roles is often the greatest need cited within our field...

10 Creative Tips for Nonprofit Boards of Directors
January 26, 2017 at 8:00 am

Congratulations to all the volunteers recently elected to serve a new term on your favorite nonprofit’s board of directors. You’ve obviously shown your service to this nonprofit, and your new position recognizes your hard work. Now what? Well, that depends on how your nonprofit’s board is structured. Hopefully, you’ve been given a good job description…

The 'AAA' Approach to Board Members and Your Capital Campaign
January 23, 2017 at 10:17 am

Whatever you do, don’t assume that your board members know what they are doing. Chance are high that they don’t. Your capital campaign gives you a wonderful opportunity to train them. The stakes are high, and you can develop a small training program just for them. Consider this three-part approach...

How Nonprofits Are Using Junior Boards to Engage Millennials
January 10, 2017 at 8:00 am

Younger and smaller versions of governing boards for not-for-profits are becoming a strong force at Indianapolis-area nonprofits, despite having no voting power. Young professional boards, usually consisting of members ages 21 to 40, vary in size and responsibilities, but the groups are seen as a way to engage Millennials—an age group nonprofit leaders believe they…

10 Interview Questions for Hiring an Executive Director
December 5, 2016 at 11:05 am

Over the past year, I’ve coached several gifted individuals who interviewed for executive director positions, and I can tell you that many nonprofits handle these interviews poorly. They don’t ask the right questions or they don’t really know what they’re looking for. Frankly, it’s not surprising. Usually, board members conduct executive director interviews, but most…

Increase Your Organization’s Influence in Just 15 Minutes a Month
December 5, 2016 at 10:08 am

Do you wish that your organization had more clout? That you had more access to your community’s thought-leaders and philanthropists? Are you unsure how you should get to know the people in in your community whose opinions are seen as the gold standard? Here’s an excellent way to build those relationships. It’s not difficult and won’t feel awkward. And, most importantly, your community’s leaders will want to participate...

Goodwill Omaha Controversy Shows Why Nonprofits Must Safeguard Reputations
December 1, 2016 at 9:16 am

Concerns raised about some processes and practices employed by the Goodwill Omaha board of trustees provide valuable object lessons for members of every nonprofit board. Such board members play an important role as stewards of not only their donors’ money but also of their organization’s reputation. As such, they must be wary of even the…