Collections/Payment Processing

How New California Regulations Impact Digital Fundraising for Nonprofits
April 27, 2023 at 11:59 am

A new California law aims to bring more transparency to digital fundraising as a whole. Let’s explore the aspects of the California law, how it impacts social media platforms, the implications for nonprofits that land on a block list and the steps a nonprofit needs to take to avoid non-compliance.

5 Best Practices for Recurring Donor Receipts
February 9, 2023 at 12:29 pm

It's always a good thing to be as transparent as possible to your donors. So here are my top five best practices when it comes to recurring gift receipts.

3 Recurring Giving Predictions for 2023
January 18, 2023 at 10:38 am

A new year. New opportunities. A renewed focus on donors, mission and impact. To kick off 2023, here are my top three recurring giving predictions for 2023. 

Nonprofits in the Metaverse: Pros and Cons
December 8, 2022 at 12:19 pm

Nonprofit organizations may be feeling the need to take a stance on the metaverse and make decisions on meta-related activities, like accepting crypto donations. While the metaverse is still being built — and is so new that it’s hard to define exactly what it means — there’s a lot of marketing hype (and money) being wrapped up into it.