
Fundraising Lessons From HONY
April 1, 2015

How are you sharing your stories? Through words, through photographs, through video? Think about the stories that inspire your donors and how you can share them more effectively.

The Make or Break Part of the Ask
March 18, 2015

By far, the most frequently made mistake I see is when a worthy nonprofit assumes mission trumps all. It's mostly out of oversight, as nonprofit leadership is focused on doing good. However, sometimes it's because the organization really believes that donors are merely "funders"โ€”the ATMs of the nonprofit world.

Outsource Your Non-Fundraising Brain
March 9, 2015

Writing fundraising copy takes concentration and focus. There are a lot of elements, strategic and creative, that have to be accounted for as you write. It takes up a lot of your headspace.

Learn This 1 Skill and Improve Your Fundraising Results
February 23, 2015

I'm a firm believer that empathy has the potential to solve more problems than war and peace put together. From a more practical one, boosting your empathic ability could give your fundraising results a shot in the arm.