Stories have become the go-to vehicle to motivate donors in the nonprofit sector for a long time.
Nonprofits are in the business of social good. But have you ever considered that you can also promote social good beyond your mission?
Year-end giving is upon us. As you brainstorm for essential messaging, here are six messages to share with donors.
Livestream fundraising offers an interactive way that supporters can connect with your organization, and raise money, too!
This year, the idea of back-to-school essentials has been turned on its head in a new PSA to make a point about school shootings.
As you write a new donor appeal letter (or email), close your eyes and see the donor. See their smile, speak their name, blink at them and make it real.
How do you create high-quality, SEO-friendly, evergreen content that ranks well, benefits your visitors and spurs them to action — especially as you work with a limited budget and resources? Try the content strategy tips listed in this article.
I bet the last thing you want to hear more about right now is storytelling. There are innumerable books, articles, speeches, even whole conventions about it. “CONTENT IS KING!” innumerable hordes of consultants seem to stream out of every doorway.
Grants are becoming increasingly more challenging to write and competitive to receive, so nonprofit organizations should always be asking themselves, “How can I make my grant applications stand out in a crowded field?”
I am currently engaged in a silent phase campaign to raise dollars for several Salvation Army priorities in Indiana. One such priority is through solicitation by acquiring funds to build new cottages for a camp in Southern Indiana...