Donor Demographics

Top 5 Fundraising Ideas From the Next Generation of American Giving
August 23, 2013

All generations are not created equal! But you knew that, right? Understanding the multichannel preferences and charitable habits of Generation X, Generation Y, baby boomers and matures could have a significant impact on your nonprofit’s fundraising performance, but it could also leave you frozen, retreating back to the familiar. What’s a fundraiser to do? Here are a few fundraising ideas.

Raising Money in a Changing World
August 12, 2013

The deepest downturn since the Great Depression may seem like the biggest seismic shift charities face. But it’s America’s demographic transition that has the potential to transform the philanthropic landscape. Nonprofits such as the Silicon Valley Community Foundation are already laying the groundwork for learning about the wishes and hopes of new groups of donors.

Through the Inclusive Lens
July 1, 2013

As funders begin to support inclusive programs, nonprofits need to look at their own programming through the disability lens. There are many reasons why your organization should consider becoming inclusive. Here are a few ideas on how to become more inclusive.

Are We Ready for These Young Kids?
July 1, 2013

I realize our industry is no stranger to trying to understand the younger generation. And no one is debating that many of our donors are from the older generations. But we also know that those donors are aging, and all nonprofits are focused on trying to engage individuals along the entire life cycle. Young adults might not have much money, but they have time for volunteering and participating, and they also have a lot of friends — meaning their networking reach can be extensive.

I Won’t Support My Grandma’s Nonprofit
May 13, 2013

As a millennial, I’m not interested in you repeating what’s worked in the past. While I appreciate working smart, I don’t appreciate doing the same thing over and over when everything else around you changes. I don’t appreciate wasted resources and time spent on what worked before for the sake of maintaining. I’m interested in you having that vision and doing something new to get there.

Make Your Materials Clear for Older Donors
April 19, 2013

Changes in eyesight are inevitable as human beings age, according to The Canadian Association of Optometrists. Blurred vision at close range and growing need for higher light levels affect everyone in his or her middle years. That means it’s becoming harder every year for your boomer and civic donors — your most generous cohorts if your charity is typical — to see your printed materials, e-mails and website. To keep your print pieces with these groups clear and readable, follow these tips from CNIB.

Modeling — Taking it Straight from the Experts (Part 1)
April 2, 2013

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to know what the experts were thinking in this area — so I decided to just ask! For the most part, what is in this article are direct comments/quotes from the folks that I believe are the brightest and the best in our industry around this topic.

Don't Break Your Concentration(s)
April 1, 2013

With ever-increasing production and postage costs, nonprofits need to continually fine-tune their prospecting efforts in any way they can. With minimal investment of time and money, you will likely find the best "fishing holes" within your market area.