Donor Relationship Management
The question before every executive director, fundraiser and stewardship team working today: Have you earned your donors' trust? No matter whether you think you have or not, there’s always more to do to strengthen the relationship and connection between your supporters and your cause.
One tiny report makes a tremendous amount of difference. Because it closes the giving loop. Read these stories to see the impact.
One problem in major gifts is the lack of emotional intelligence. It’s not about the money or strategy.
At Fundraising Day in New York from AFP-NYC, the “Making the Ask and Demystifying the Process” panel delved into the art of the ask.
To reduce churn among your donors, here are a few tips to help improve your cultivation tactics.
If you’re a good frontline fundraiser, you’re always seeking to learn how to do your craft better. Every excellent fundraiser I’ve known is constantly learning, always curious and eager to improve their skills.
Consumers today are looking for authentic, personal experiences with the brands with which they do business. While nonprofits acknowledge the importance of personalizing their constituents’ experiences, they lag the commercial market in delivery, historically relying on constituents’ emotional connections to their missions to acquire and retain them.
There’s a funny thing about promises or commitments. They are so easy to make and, many times, so difficult to deliver.