Donor Relationship Management

Is Your Organization Doing What Is Best for the Donor… or the Organization?
September 25, 2017 at 11:28 am

It’s amazing to Richard and me how nonprofits—that do such great things with the programs and projects they have making the world a better place—have a total disregard for their major donors. One example of this was a story I heard from someone who quit her position as an major gift officer several years ago...

Practice Saying ‘I’m Sorry’
September 21, 2017 at 12:06 pm

For nonprofits, apologizing is effective when it addresses two quite different situations. First, admit the mistakes you make in your programs. For example, the social service program that delivered mediocre outcomes or the performing arts performance that bombed...

4 Reminders to Prevent Donors From Getting Compassion Fatigue
September 19, 2017 at 10:57 am

Given the recent string of catastrophic events, amplified by nonstop media coverage, you certainly can’t fault people for beginning to feel compassion fatigue. After making personal or workplace donations to charities helping out in Texas, the Caribbean, Florida and elsewhere, it’s understandable that donors might begin to feel worn out...

What Rights Do Your Donors Have?
September 18, 2017 at 10:38 am

You know how it feels to be treated shabbily. You buy something, there’s a problem and you might as well be a pile of sawdust when you try to get someone to help you solve the problem. It feels terrible. And you would never treat anyone that way yourself...

What Can Fundraisers Learn From the Taxi Industry?
September 15, 2017 at 12:36 pm

It’s no secret that the taxi industry has been disrupted by Uber and a growing range of other services. The taxi companies remained largely unchanged for decades, mistakenly assuming that the status quo met their customers’ needs. The same can be said for the movie rental business disrupted by Netflix. In both cases, customers’ expectations became more sophisticated over time, leaving the traditional business operators vulnerable...

Case Study: Idaho Public TV & ExactAsk
September 13, 2017 at 9:41 am

It’s no secret that the taxi industry has been disrupted by Uber and a growing range of other services. The taxi companies remained largely unchanged for decades, mistakenly assuming that the status quo met their customers’ needs. The same can be said for the movie rental business disrupted by Netflix. In both cases, customers’ expectations became more sophisticated over […]