Donor Relationship Management

How to Prevent Donors From Sugarcoating Their Comments
September 11, 2017 at 9:25 am

Most people hesitate to give criticism or honest feedback. I’ve done it myself—sugarcoating my comments rather than telling someone what I really think. Unless someone asks me specifically what I really think, probing in various specific areas, I’m more inclined to give positive feedback...

Who Exactly Are Your Donors?
August 31, 2017 at 12:13 pm

Who are my donors, and how have they engaged in the past? Most will answer this question in one of two ways. First, by quoting recency, frequency, monetary segments, complete with highest previous contribution and timing of the most recent gift. Second, by describing donor demographics/wealth with off-the-shelf segments or with their homegrown analysis...

Align Your Organization’s Values With Your Donor’s Values
August 23, 2017 at 12:25 pm

This week’s solar eclipse was heavily anticipated and highly celebrated. About 16 percent of the U.S. was able to experience a total eclipse, including Nashville. Here in Nashville, hotels were sold out as visitors came to view the eclipse, and there were plenty of viewing parties and events as everyone geared up for the magical experience...

Learn About Best Practices in Event Fundraising at RAISE 2017
August 22, 2017 at 11:03 am

Today’s changing landscape is constantly evolving the nonprofit sector. And with the evolution of digital technologies comes more opportunity for fundraising—especially when it comes to event fundraising. RAISE 2017 is the first national conference for event fundraising professionals, and it’s all taking place from Sept. 25 to 26 in Washington, D.C...

Membership Retention: What Are Member Preferences?
August 22, 2017 at 10:58 am

What’s a great way to steward your donors? Memberships! By incorporating membership options into your nonprofit organization, you’re allowing your donors to be more engaged in the organization. It also gives them some added benefits and simplifies giving, so they don’t “forget” to donate...

Let’s Say ‘No’ to Automatic Sustainer Upgrades
August 14, 2017 at 11:07 am

At the recent Bridge Conference, I enjoyed several wonderful sustainer sessions. During one of those, someone asked about the automatic sustainer upgrade process some nonprofits are apparently using. My hair immediately started standing up straight! What happened to being donor-centric?...

We Don’t Provide Direct Service, We Have No Stories to Tell
August 11, 2017 at 9:11 am

Your organization has no cute kids, puppies or people that you regularly serve. But you keep hearing that you’re supposed to share those “mission moments” about real people to engage your community. How does sharing powerful stories work for you?...

Know Your Donors’ Future Value
August 4, 2017 at 11:02 am

Who are your highest value donors? A major gift officer would likely answer the question with a list of the top 10 donors from the past year or current top prospects. A direct marketer might quote the top RFM segments or pluck a group with the largest previous contribution...

Involvement Yields Insight and Money
July 26, 2017 at 11:46 am

As a strategic planning practitioner, I love the process and the outcomes, but I am saddened when a well-conceived plan just sits on the shelf. From a fundraising perspective, a strategic planning process that engages key constituencies and great minds is a wonderful cultivation opportunity, and the resulting plan should give confidence to donors who might invest in making the plans a reality...

Leveraging Our Biases to Fundraise
July 26, 2017 at 11:43 am

Unconscious bias affects our ability to raise funds for our missions. But their effect doesn’t always have to be negative. Understanding bias allows us to navigate around it, sometimes mitigating its effect, so that it doesn’t impact our bottom lines...