Donor Relationship Management
Last month, the NonProfit PRO team attended the 2017 Association of Fundraising Professionals’ International Conference, which took place in the beautiful city of San Francisco. While we walking around the exhibit area, we saw something that caught our eyes—a diversity board! The Alford Group, a professional consulting partner helping board leaders, organizational management and community…
It is true that people give to people. If you are interested in a long and satisfying career in fundraising, get out of the office and engage others. You will be amazed at what you’ll learn about others and yourself...
Where did my lapsed donors go? There are no simple answers. And, there is hope for you and your organization to re-energize these lapsed donors to return to your community...
Where did my lapsed donors go? Why have they left me? They don’t write and tell me why anymore, not even a phone call? Where and why have they deserted my nonprofit? What should I do to get these donors back to an active giving status? Have you heard these complaints from your development director […]
In this webinar, you’ll learn tips and tricks of how to use data and storytelling to create impactful solutions for your nonprofit.
There is no substitute for effective and focused cultivation. It brings new donors into the fold, and it strengthens the bonds with existing donors. It also helps nurture staff and volunteers—coaching and training them for a campaign...
It was exciting to see, and frankly, I was a bit shocked. The campaign co-chair proclaimed to the campaign steering committee that she was over her apprehension of asking for money. “I’m passionate about what these gifts will mean, and I now understand that I will probably have to have a few friends decline gifts […]
Great fundraising is focused on the long-term—taking that donor from first-time gift… to lifetime. And it’s built around the science of human behavior and what actually works. We see it time and time again: the very practice of donor-centricity leads to community...
Every morning at 7:00 a.m., I (Otis) get a very interesting email. It tells me everyone who has visited the Turnkey website in the past 24 hours. The names are ordered from top to bottom depending on how many times they have interacted with our website or opened our emails in the past...
Build a culture of philanthropy. Challenge your board and staff to embrace a donor-focused, relational approach. Invest in your board and staff and build a development program that is built to last—through leadership transitions and that grows stronger and stronger with the success and capacity-building of each campaign...