Donor Relationship Management

The Experts Aren't Always Right: On Trusting Your Instincts, Donors
October 18, 2016 at 10:21 am

As a sector, as practitioners, we put a lot of stock in the sector’s leading "gurus" (man, I loathe that word). We regard them as safe, as infallible. We jump on every new report as if it were gospel. In the eight years that I’ve been in this space, I’ve witnessed the world of fundraising becoming more and more insular—almost clique-like within the confines of its sphere...

'What Good Does a Major Gift Officer Do?'
October 17, 2016 at 10:11 am

If you find yourself in the discussion of new money or “what have you done for me lately, major gift officer,” then, hopefully, the content of this post will be helpful to you. If nothing else, I hope it will serve as a reminder to seriously value the good donors who are currently in your care. They are good people who have made a commitment to you. They deserve your careful attention, respect and love. Let me explain...

What Happens If You Listen to Donors Too Much?
October 17, 2016 at 9:39 am

Maybe you're listening to your donors too much. Surprised to hear me ask that? After all, fundraisers are completely in the business of supplying donors with what they want and need. The problem is, what they tell you they want is so often not at all what really motivates them to respond. Virtuous blog tells…

Doubling Down—and Still Expecting Success
October 13, 2016 at 10:24 am

Simply choosing a goal based on need only sets your organization up for failure—the double failure of not reaching your monetary objective combined with the failure created by demoralizing those who support you. Successful fundraising campaigns are achieved, in part, by generating a sense of accomplishment among those who give. When you ask them to give to a goal that isn’t reached, the question, “What good is it?” comes into the mind of the investor. It isn’t your passion that’s generating the energy, it’s the donors’...

Hail to the Receipt: 10 Tips for Better Receipting
October 13, 2016 at 8:00 am

With the holidays coming, have you checked it twice? I’m speaking of your receipting program, of course, not your gift list. Any regular reader of Old Dog Fundraising knows that I am a fanatic about sending out receipts. Donors stick with an organization past one or two gifts when they have a relationship with that organization, and part of maintaining a relationship is saying “thank you.” If your receipting method or message needs a tune-up before the year-end rush, here are some things to consider...

It's Time to Reach Out to Your Donors
October 12, 2016 at 11:00 am

We are into the fourth quarter of the year. And that means it's time to reach out to your donors. Hopefully, you have been tracking retention of your top donors all year. There are times in shops large and small that this slips—because of the urgency of tasks that are often less important. Now, it is critical...

Continuous Donor Choice: Fundraising’s Best Opportunity in Ages
October 10, 2016 at 10:11 am

In the U.K., late September saw the publication of NCVO’s long-awaited report, "Charities’ Relationships with Donors: A Vision for a Better Future." Its mission is to deliver the single objective stated on its cover, "…Recommendations on how to enable donors to give consent," to untangle this complex area and recommend what charities should set out…

Are You Truly Thankful for Your Donors?
October 10, 2016 at 9:35 am

My question to you is, are you really thankful for all of your donors? Do they know how much they are loved and appreciated? Do your donors feel cared for? Here are two true stories that show why the question is so important...

Are You Bragging Too Much to Donors?
October 6, 2016 at 11:33 am

Have you been to a party and got stuck in a conversation with someone who talked too much about him or herself, or bragged about all the wonderful things he or she has done? You roll your eyes in frustration and plan your escape to the drinks table. Imagine your donors having the same reaction…

A Magic Formula for Donor Retention, Building Relationships
October 5, 2016 at 11:18 am

You could invest a few minutes each day, or just an hour or two each week to increase your major donor retention, strengthen relationships between you and your professional colleagues, donors, potential donors and volunteer leaders, and help you stand out in the field...