Donor Relationship Management

When Data Is Not the Fundraiser's Friend
May 19, 2016 at 11:46 am

Good use of data can help you create messages for your donors that are more relevant, interesting—and effective. But data can betray you in embarrassing ways. Like it does in this letter from an organization I support. (I'm hiding its identity because I don't want it to be embarrassed in front of its peers.) Here's…

Don’t Invoice Me When You Want a Gift
May 19, 2016 at 11:43 am

I’ve been stewing for a while about a certain kind of solicitation I’ve seen. I’ve hesitated to write about it, but I get more annoyed the more I think about the damage this thing can do. Want some examples? This is an email I got last December (good organization, bad solicitation). And this tactic made…

The Cure for Donor Fatigue
May 18, 2016 at 11:40 am

"There is donor fatigue," one of the community’s top philanthropists shared in a recent feasibility study interview. Donor fatigue is a term often used. Is it real? It means a donor feels tired, worn out by requests from organizations. Are there causes? Yes, usually poor fundraising that is not donor focused...

How to Completely Change Nonprofit Fundraising, Marketing – Part 2
May 18, 2016 at 9:00 am

In part one of this article, we looked at how nonprofit marketing, fundraising and sales are synonymous. Sadly, they too often have been siloed—resulting in inconsistent messaging, confused donors and money left on the table. Let’s get practical. It’s been crystal clear since the explosion of media and messaging post digital revolution that if you still are thinking outbound marketing, you’re a dinosaur...

Fundraising Needs to Board the People Train
May 17, 2016 at 10:26 am

People are far more distracted than they were a decade ago, which means that even the most experienced fundraiser must continually evolve—something the industry has found difficult at times—and leverage new outlets to increase donations. Is it possible that our inability to adapt or unwillingness to change is a primary reason for our industry’s declining performance?...

Do You Need a Reason to Send an Email to Your Supporters?
May 17, 2016 at 10:19 am

I eagerly read every new article and exhibit from the Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration. However, the article, “9 Tips for Effective Emails,” made me pause. Oh, yes, I agreed with the author, Nick Allen, on most of the points. Yet there were a couple of tips I found missed the mark, and one in particular I thought was outright bad advice...

The Resource Challenges of Donor-Centricity
May 16, 2016 at 10:50 am

Getting to an organization that knows its donors and customizes communications accordingly is not easy. We often lack one centralized database that acts as the truth. We don’t think we have time to make donor calls to thank people when revenue isn’t attached. Our budgets are so small that we transcend lean and mean and…

People Do Business With People They Like
May 13, 2016 at 9:42 am

All of us constantly are interacting with representatives from foundations, corporations, associations, organizations and families. Each contact is different, and long-term success depends on initial interactions and subsequent personal activities. Have you ever taken the time to look at your prospects and match them with your staff based upon personality and potential fit? If not, and if possible, I strongly suggest you look at these linkages...

A Brief History of Fundraising
May 10, 2016 at 10:03 am

Once upon a time, there was a need. A number of people recognized it and wanted to do something about it. They knew this would involve them giving money. That wasn’t a problem. They needed to be organized, so they set up an office. An organization. The government had decided that organizations like this should…