Donor Relationship Management

How to Use Donor Identity to Aid in Retention
January 4, 2016 at 10:15 am

Any of you who have read my blog posts over the last four years are well aware of my focus on one of the most important concepts in fundraising success: donor retention. Because of that focus, the research on the subject spans every nook and cranny possible for fresh insights and techniques. Needless to say,…

Video: Thinking of Leaving Your Development Job? Think Again …
December 30, 2015 at 9:31 am

Did you know that development directors who stay in jobs longer are able to raise significantly more money than if they were to hop from one organization to the next? It should come as no surprise. If fundraising truly is about relationships, development directors need to be at their organizations for enough years to develop…

4 Tips for Mining Your Organization’s 'Acres of Diamonds'
December 29, 2015 at 11:06 am

The crux of Russell Conway's famous essay, “Acres of Diamonds,” actually translates to one of the greatest secrets of fundraising ever revealed. It’s been my experience that virtually every organization fails to fully mine the innumerable diamonds hidden within its own database. So how can you find “Acres of Diamonds” within your own organization? Focus on developing a positive, forward-thinking attitude...

Why Major Gifts Officers Should Ask Again
December 28, 2015 at 9:43 am

Your major donor has given in the last month or so, and you now are turning your attention to the donors on your caseload who have not given so far this calendar year. This is good. But you may be missing an opportunity to ask your major donor for another gift. “What?” you say. “Ask again? I can’t do that! It would not be right.” Well, let me present a different point of view...

Stop Scolding Donors to Make Unrestricted Gifts
December 23, 2015 at 9:27 am

No one likes to be scolded. Yet most nonprofits make a practice of regularly admonishing supporters to give "where most needed." You probably think this is a good thing. After all, it gives you the greatest flexibility. Right? Wrong. You’ll have a lot more flexibility if you raise more money. And you’ll raise a lot more money if you stop thinking about you and your needs and think more about your donors and their needs...

The Hottest Way to Thank Donors Ever
December 22, 2015 at 9:53 am

If you’re looking for a quick, easy, affordable and dynamic way to thank donors this holiday season, then check this out: Make and send a thank-you video. It’s super easy to shoot. Just use your smartphone. No fancy equipment or skill needed (isn’t that a relief?). With YouTube being one of the biggest social media…

Donor Retention: Gone with the Wind?
December 18, 2015 at 11:09 am

The fact is all of us work extremely hard to cultivate, solicit and secure donors but have trouble retaining these donors, a large percentage of them “gone with the wind” each year. So, what do experts have to say about donor retention?...

3 Key Factors Your Value Proposition Needs
December 18, 2015 at 10:36 am

I heard a client struggle today in trying to figure out her organization’s value proposition. “What is it that we do that makes interacting with us worthwhile, something people can’t do without?” Being something that people feel they can’t do without is a high bar, but attainable. But then I thought, if I were selling high-end sneakers, would my athlete buyer respond to the same value proposition as my fashion buyer? Sometimes yes, but sometimes no...

Year-End Giving: The Check’s in the Mail
December 17, 2015 at 9:00 am

Like many of your donors, I hope, I have been actively doing some year-end giving. That included mailing gifts to 19 organizations that had responded to my article earlier this year, offering to make a donation to the organizations of the first 10 people who responded. (I just couldn’t stop at 10.) ...

7 Writing Tips and 1 Lesson Fundraisers Need to Constantly Learn
December 16, 2015 at 10:09 am

This has been my first ‘year-end’ with Shift and it’s been … fun. Nothing like starting your business in the busiest time of the year—when the pressure is highest to deliver results, on time. But with the majority of the craziness behind me, I’ve been able to catch up on some of my favorite blogs,…