Donor Relationship Management

6 Things to Consider When Selecting a Content Management System
February 13, 2014

Although content management system products are all built to produce a similar set of results, they don’t all necessarily offer the exact same features. It is important to ensure the product you choose is really going to work for your organization. The process of choosing a CMS can often take a bit longer, and be tougher, than expected, because there are so many options to evaluate. We’ve outlined a preparatory process to help guide you toward choosing the best-fit CMS for your nonprofit.

Does It Matter If a Fundraising Database Supplier Doesn't Understand Fundraising?
January 6, 2014

The more I work on fundraising software procurement and implementation projects, the more I ask this question: How much does the supplier's experience of fundraising matter?

For years, this hasn't been such a relevant question, at least when purchasing packages as opposed to bespoke systems, because most new fundraising database systems were supplied by companies who either specialized in the sector or who at least had a dedicated department who did so.

Which Metric Are You Using?
November 5, 2013

This article is a must-read for people who think they are tracking long-term marketing metrics.

Donor Recognition: The Real Key to Retention
November 1, 2013

Nothing keeps donors engaged like timely, personal acknowledgments. If donor acknowledgment is the key to retention, what are the keys to donor acknowledgment and recognition?

Got Data?
September 1, 2013

Got data? It does a development department good! Learn how three organizations utilized donor data and new technology to enhance their fundraising.