You’ll raise more money this time of year than any other time. If you want them to give to your nonprofit, it’s wise to be proactive.
As digital marketing grew, its cousin, direct mail, was all but declared dead and supposedly relegated to the annals of history.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your fundraising results, one highly effective approach is to use marketing automation.
Here are five email newsletter makeover tips that Ann Handley, chief content officer at MarketingProfs, shared.
Findings from Constant Contact’s Small Business Now report show a strong correlation between AI use and a business’ overall success.
Here are 5 ways to use lead-generation ads to engage your audience and reinforce your messaging.
In this episode, Abigayle Tobia, of Verland, and Erik Tomalis, of Virtuous, discuss how marketing automation can simplify tasks.
GiveCentral will launch its 20 for 20 Campaign to help nonprofits increase giving by 20% in 20 weeks in Q4, when most giving happens.
Here are four ways to quickly grow your nonprofit’s text messaging list.
Jennifer Rubin and Terry Pearl of 360 Philanthropy Group shared their recommended social media strategy to raise funds.