
3 Quick Ways to Perk Up Your E-mail Marketing Efforts
May 29, 2013

Weโ€™re always looking for new ways to organically grow our lists, send out great content and gain the trust of our current e-mail subscribers. So here are three quick ways to keep things fresh while youโ€™re refocusing your energies on e-mail marketing.

Don't Let Your Donation Page Suffer From Abandonment Issues
May 21, 2013

The last time I did a donating experiment was after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I often ran into difficulties just making a donation. One donation page did not load so I left. Another required a registration process before I could donate so I left, and one organization did not have a donation page dedicated to Japan relief specifically.

Fundraising experts continue to test donation pages and more best practices have emerged. Here are some things that have been found (through testing) to work particularly well.

Top 10 Tips for Successful Nonprofit E-Appeals
May 14, 2013

Planning any special e-mail campaigns before the end of the fiscal year? This summer? If not, think about it. An e-campaign costs pennies on the dollar compared with print marketing. And the right message at the right time to the right market can empower your supporters to help you change the world. Your success will be measured not by how many you send, but by how many get opened; then how many answer your call to action. Here are 10 basic tips to assure your e-mail engages your audience.

Donโ€™t Forget Your Pen: Do's and Don'ts of Digital Fundraising
May 10, 2013

Digital media has changed and is continuing to change the way the world works, and we charities are going to have to follow suit. It matters when youโ€™re not digital, because your audience will expect you to be present and up to date. So here are a few doโ€™s and donโ€™ts Iโ€™d recommend to stay ahead of the current.

5 Steps to Optimize Your Online Program All Year Long
May 6, 2013

Given the emphasis placed on year-end fundraising, itโ€™s no surprise organizations will start planning many, many months before (itโ€™s never too early to start planning!). But given the magnitude of year-end, and necessary planning, how can organizations replicate this success throughout the year? Here are five digestible steps to optimize your organizationโ€™s online program all year long.

Are You Turning Off Online Donors?
May 1, 2013

This article describes the causes of donor abandonment and how to reduce it. Included is a 20-question, self-scored survey to help nonprofits identify and locate problems in their donation processes. Based on the results, simple donation page design changes can be implemented in order to achieve the ultimate goal โ€” increased donor acquisition and retention.

10 Ways to Improve Your E-mail Fundraising Now
April 24, 2013

With online giving continuing to grow at a faster pace than giving overall according to the Blackbaud Index, itโ€™s more important than ever for nonprofits to get serious about their online communications and fundraising strategies. And with one-third of online revenue tracked to e-mail according to the 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study, itโ€™s essential for nonprofits to develop and sharpen their e-mail strategies. Whether youโ€™re just getting started or want to build on an established program, here are 10 best practices in e-mail fundraising that can help you improve your results right away.

Engage Conference Spotlight: 28 Ideas for Digital Fundraising Success, (11-20)
April 23, 2013

At last year's Fund Raising Day in New York hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Ann Crowley, membership and online strategy director for the Human Rights Campaign, joined three other fundraising professionals to present 28 ideas for digital fundraising success. Here are ideas 11-20.