
Goodwill Launches Fundraising Campaign on eBay to Increase Job Training Efforts Nationwide
February 3, 2011

Goodwill, in collaboration with eBay Giving Works, eBay's charity fundraising program, launched a fundraising campaign that focuses on helping people find and keep jobs. From Feb. 7 to 13, Goodwill will be a featured nonprofit on eBay, offering everyone the opportunity to buy, sell or donate to support Goodwill's job training programs. Dress for Success and the National Federation of the Blind will also be featured in February as part of the same campaign.

Online Giving: It's Still About Relationships
February 1, 2011

People go online because they're seeking to connect with other people, with things they like and with causes they love. Technology enables them to forge stronger connections, and people therefore come to nonprofits with high expectations for the way we treat them online.

Online Ordering Service Helps Antihunger Group Raise Money
February 1, 2011

A partnership between Delivery.com, an online service for food and other supplies, and City Harvest, an antihunger organization in New York, is allowing people to make gifts that help feed more than 300,000 people each week.

Delivery.com customers have two ways to support City Harvest: They can donate โ€œpointsโ€  โ€” Delivery.com customers receive 25 points per $1: A typical exchange is 10,000 points for $5 worth of donations. Or anybody โ€” not just customers โ€” can give by ordering from City Harvestโ€™s Delivery.com โ€œmenuโ€ page.

Charity Sees Donations Spike After Abandoning Direct Mail
January 28, 2011

The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental charity in Tucson that fights to keep endangered species alive, decided to eliminate direct mail in 2010 after it conducted an in-depth analysis of its costs.

Getting rid of mass mailings has proved to be a boon for the center: By the final weeks of 2010, its first year without direct mail, the charity had raised $1-million more from individuals than the preceding year, an increase of 44 percent

Philanthroper hopes to boost charity of the day, $1 at a time
January 24, 2011

Launched by Mark Wilson (Gizmodo editor by day, philanthropist by night), Philanthroper takes the idea behind Groupon and crosses it with micro-donations, all while carefully selecting the deserving causes and vetting them for legitimacy. The goal is to offer a daily charity pickโ€”six per week, with Saturday and Sunday sharing oneโ€”with a donation amount of just $1 per person until a certain goal is met.

Online Portal Increased Gifts Last Year by 70%
January 11, 2011

JustGive, a nonprofit portal where people can make online donations to more than 1.8 million charities worldwide, is the latest organization to report a big surge in online giving last year.

Donations grew last year by 70 percent, to $30-million. JustGive officials say that a big chunk of the growth came from the purchase of its gift cards. Donors can give the card to anyone they want, and the recipient chooses the charity to receive the amount the donor has stipulated.