Executive Issues

3 Priorities for Avoiding the Potholes on the Road to Recovery
March 29, 2011

Challenging finances cause nonprofits to re-evaluate priorities and pick up valuable lessons, focusing on what's truly important. Adhering to three positive principles will help you survive — and even thrive in — today's sluggish economy.

The Learning Leader: What Do You Do in a Crisis?
March 22, 2011

Challenging times — especially crises — are a great acid test for "learning leadership" — to see if you model an adaptive and flexible approach under pressure. When things go wrong and are at least partly out of their control, great leaders can show how quickly they learn and help their organizations do so ... or not.

Are Fundraisers Stupid?
March 10, 2011

If we do our jobs well, we will not be at our seats all the time — and that might not sit well around the office. A simple call sheet could help with your "impression management."

Go On ... I Dare You
January 1, 2011

Do you have the guts? I have 10 ideas that might scare the daylights out of you. They're probably difficult, politically unpopular or against the rules of your organization. Furthermore, these ideas might not work for you. They could even be very, very bad for you. But I don't think so. These are good ideas that have worked for others who made them happen despite the difficulties. I dare you to try at least one.

Nonprofit Trends Show More Agencies Opting Out of the State Unemployment Tax System. But Will They Benefit?
December 17, 2010

As the nation’s unemployment rate remains at an unsettling 9.6 percent, an increasing number of 501(c)(3) organizations are taking advantage of an exclusive opportunity to opt out of the state unemployment tax system. However are all of these nonprofits benefiting?

According to a federal law enacted in 1970 (IRC Title 26, Chapter 23 §3309(a)(2)), nonprofits can instead elect to reimburse their state only when a former employee collects unemployment benefits. Many 501(c)(3)s can save significantly by directly reimbursing the state in lieu of paying into the unemployment tax system.

Funding the Spirit of Collaboration
December 1, 2010

Collaboration is a catalyst for nonprofit growth and improvement. And the newly formed Catalyst Fund for Nonprofits was created to help foster that collaboration.

Nonprofit Characteristics Foundations Seek Before Making Grants
November 30, 2010

The competition for foundation grants is greater than ever with charitable service demand at an all-time high. So to ensure your organization is in position to grab the attention of grantmakers, make sure you're set up with the pre-grantseeking needs foundations look for.

Hybrid Model for Nonprofits Hits Snags
October 28, 2010

The hybrid model for nonprofits is proving problematic. On occasion, the need to generate returns for investors overwhelms the social mission. In other cases, the business falters altogether and cannot support the nonprofit.

Within the last two years, several ventures have split up or been dissolved.