Executive Issues
Did you know that it is possible to have a nonprofit board committee that has more power and authority than the full board? No, I’m not making this up. This is most often in the form of a standing executive committee described in the by-laws.
I know what you're thinking: "My team isn't broken. Thank you very much." You may be surprised to hear that it doesn't matter if your team is functioning well or not; everybody could benefit from a bit of team building.
Nonprofit executive directors need to know what can make their organizations thrive. Think about what personal skills you need to improve, especially if you are interested in enhancing your job performance or if you aspire to the position of executive director.
The cost of everything in the US grew 7% in 2021. For the average household, this translates to about $3,500 in higher consumer prices for the same products and services that families purchased in 2019 and 2020. As wallets shrink, how will Americans shift their spending and prioritize giving?
Audiences are changing, donors are evolving, and patrons of all backgrounds are participating. The biggest question is: Are these diverse voices represented at the table within our organizations?
When a nonprofit is able to invest in proper program evaluation, the returns can be major: stronger processes, improved performance and a supercharged impact. Here are seven tips for harnessing the power of evaluation.
Here are five strategies to redefine philanthropy for the New Year. These actions will prepare you to build a strong culture of giving and amplify your development program as we continue to navigate a dynamic environment.
Philanthropists can stretch their donation dollar ever further these days by investing in the people who manage and run the nonprofits, much like the private and government sectors of the economy.
Leaders are supposed to be courageous, bold and willing to take risks. But what happens when the risk is in an area where you feel vulnerable? Despite our best efforts to stay current with technology, many leaders still feel suspicious. Here are some reasons why being afraid of technology is not leadership.
NonProfit PRO asked two of its board members for their best advice on 2022 priorities. Here's what Craig H. Shelley, CFRE, managing director at Orr Group; and Ashley Thompson, managing director of Blackbaud Institute shared.