Executive Issues

Employ These Corporate Cyber Security Safeguards Now: Part 1
September 26, 2017 at 11:02 am

Nonprofits aren’t immune. In fact, nonprofit organizations may be prime cyber-attack targets. Most collect and store sensitive data like emails, social security numbers, billing information and more. Despite this, nonprofits are often hesitant to make cybersecurity a priority due to the investment of time and resources...

Is Your Organization Doing What Is Best for the Donor… or the Organization?
September 25, 2017 at 11:28 am

It’s amazing to Richard and me how nonprofits—that do such great things with the programs and projects they have making the world a better place—have a total disregard for their major donors. One example of this was a story I heard from someone who quit her position as an major gift officer several years ago...

Is Transformational Philanthropy in Your Future?
September 22, 2017 at 12:07 pm

If you ever played baseball, you can relate to my experience. At first, I was thrilled to put on a uniform and play for a team. Then, I was excited to get a single, which is a one-base hit. As time passed, I was even more thrilled to get a double (two-base hit) and eventually a triple (three-base hit)...

5 Tips on Partnering Your Nonprofit With the Private Sector
September 21, 2017 at 12:16 pm

When an organization teams up with a business for a good cause, it can create more buzz and momentum for a project. While there are a myriad of benefits to getting the private sector involved in your campaign, you need to make sure the entire process is painless for all involved. The majority of businesses…

Planning Ahead: Overcoming Volunteer Turnover
September 20, 2017 at 12:47 pm

Turnover is costly, even in the nonprofit sector. Although most volunteers are not paid, extensive training may go into preparing the volunteer to perform their duties. Nonprofits also invest money in recruiting volunteers either by inbound or outbound marketing strategies...

Simple Investing for Nonprofits
September 18, 2017 at 11:20 am

The boards of small nonprofit organizations must make major investment decisions, but they are often flying in the dark. Handling large amounts of money simply isn’t a risk-free proposition, and it can be difficult for those without a background in finance. “We probably get three or four calls a month from institutions that have $10…

What Rights Do Your Donors Have?
September 18, 2017 at 10:38 am

You know how it feels to be treated shabbily. You buy something, there’s a problem and you might as well be a pile of sawdust when you try to get someone to help you solve the problem. It feels terrible. And you would never treat anyone that way yourself...

Giving for Disaster Relief
September 15, 2017 at 12:21 pm

Because I work for a disaster relief agency that also provides a variety of other important daily services, I am always interested in studying why certain donors only give for disaster relief. On a small sample, I noticed that more than 4,000 of our donors gave for the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in 2005, but did not give in subsequent years...

Be Prepared for the Inevitable Storms
September 13, 2017 at 11:49 am

This week, I was without power for a while and carefully eyeing some tall pine trees that were swaying way too much for my comfort. Being without power and having meetings cancelled was a minor inconvenience, especially with the widespread loss of property and even life because of storms during this hurricane season...