Executive Issues

Top Legal Risks to Nonprofits: Learning How to Address Them
July 21, 2017 at 3:43 pm

Now more than ever, nonprofits and their boards must guard against unwanted, negative legal exposure. This article discusses some of the top legal risks facing nonprofit boards, as well as practical tips for addressing these risks...

The CEO Is the Chief Fundraiser: A Role That Should Never Be Delegated
July 21, 2017 at 1:47 pm

Well, isn’t it obvious that the CEO is the nonprofit organization’s chief fundraiser? Not really. Not when you observe the behavior of nonprofit CEOs, as I have over the past four decades. I’ve observed that nonprofit CEOs often restrict their fundraising to the parts of the process they’re most familiar and comfortable with. If they know grants, they tend to focus on that. If they know individual donor solicitation, that’s what they focus on...

4 Steps Nonprofit Leaders Can Take to Tackle Workplace Negativity
July 20, 2017 at 12:14 pm

Call it gossip, scuttlebutt, tittle-tattle or rumor—workplace negativity is an insidious morale buster that can distract even the most dedicated employees. And nonprofits aren’t immune to it. People are people, even when working for the greater good...

Benefit or Curse? Nonprofit Board Executive Committees
July 17, 2017 at 10:47 am

Maybe the days for board executive committees should be over. There is little need to give a nonprofit board permission to be less engaged and this is effectively what I pose that executive committees accomplish best...

The Washington Regulatory Climate: Recent Issues of Interest to Nonprofit Organizations
July 14, 2017 at 11:21 am

So … have you been focused on our nation’s capital lately? Does it seem a bit tough right now? Is it a swamp or an oasis? If you are not in Washington D.C., take a moment to read this. ... Much is happening that you need to be aware of as fundraisers and communications professionals in the nonprofit sector...

The Issue With Nonprofit Sector Talent
July 14, 2017 at 11:02 am

While serving as an executive for several nonprofit organizations, I noticed the issue of nonprofit sector talent was rarely discussed or pursued at the highest organizational level in the board room. Many organizations did not have an up-to-date strategic or operational plan, much less an HR plan for recruitment and retention of talented employees...

Be Prepared, and Enjoy Great Success
July 12, 2017 at 10:45 am

If you are contemplating a major campaign, make it a multi-year process. You will find your eventual campaign will be much more successful, more rewarding and more fun for you, your staff and volunteers, and your donors...

5 Best Practices for Ethical Online Fundraising
July 11, 2017 at 10:11 am

Online giving has added new and unique challenges to maintaining ethical practices, so it may be time to refresh your approach. As technology develops, so do many issues around privacy, communication and safety. How can we help protect donors’ rights in the online world?...

Know Your Donor Through Analytics
July 11, 2017 at 10:02 am

Analytics is an overused buzzword. Ask three people and you’ll get three different answers as to what analytics means to them. To some, it’s about reporting on key metrics and projecting impact on the ability to achieve budget. To others, it refers to models used for the selection of individuals to include in a fundraising campaign...

How to Recruit First-Rate Volunteers for Your Capital Campaign
July 10, 2017 at 9:42 am

Your capital campaign’s success depends heavily on the work of volunteers. The right sort of highly capable campaign volunteers add a breadth and depth to your campaign that your staff simply can’t replace. Volunteers won’t just open doors, solicit gifts and help with all sorts of tasks, but they’ll also be generous donors to your campaign...