Have you had a day when you just felt like there had to be a better career to pursue than fundraising? I know I have. Fortunately, those days have been far outnumbered by those days when I feel honored to do the work I do...
Executive Issues
Every morning at 7:00 a.m., I (Otis) get a very interesting email. It tells me everyone who has visited the Turnkey website in the past 24 hours. The names are ordered from top to bottom depending on how many times they have interacted with our website or opened our emails in the past...
Build a culture of philanthropy. Challenge your board and staff to embrace a donor-focused, relational approach. Invest in your board and staff and build a development program that is built to last—through leadership transitions and that grows stronger and stronger with the success and capacity-building of each campaign...
The fundamental building block for fundraising is relationships. This is true for major gift officers who sit across from donors to share a meal or a conversation. It is also true for direct response professionals who must skillfully identify the right stories and images to illustrate an organization’s mission to donors who may never witness first-hand the difference their contribution makes...
The median pay for the top paid nonprofit CEOs didn't change much in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. That doesn't mean things stayed the same for individuals. According to an analysis of data collected by Crain, turnover and impending retirements among the top paid nonprofit CEOs were a leading factor…
In a previous blog post, I briefly examined what appears to be a growing sentiment in the nonprofit industry that direct mail fundraising is somehow flawed. Fundraisers have been slow to abandon outdated business practices or to evolve quick enough to react to the mounting challenges facing nonprofits today—and yes, there are many that we must overcome...
Letting go… It’s not always easy, is it? Anyone who has had to take their child to college or end a relationship knows saying goodbye is never easy. It’s also not easy for you as a major gift officer (MGO) when a donor, who you have been stewarding and cultivating over time, no longer meets the criteria as a major donor...
When fundraisers ask me this, the answer is: no better time like the present! And, you should be asking all the time! The more you ask, the more monthly donors you’ll generate...
Welcome back to #TrendingNow. This week, our readers were interested in some executive issues addressed by some of our top bloggers: Howard Levy, F. Duke Haddad and Jeff Jowdy...
In this post-truth age, anyone who pretends they’re listening when they’re not may well be among the most under-informed, misguided and misled folks of all. It’s shocking to realize that people who’ve been nodding vigorously in agreement with you for decades may just have been humoring you all along, may have had little or no intention of actually doing what you thought they were so very enthusiastic about...