Executive Issues

What Today’s Donor Wants: Managing Expectations and Measuring Impact
May 18, 2017 at 11:22 am

A transformation of sorts has occurred over the last 20 years in regard to donors’ expectations of nonprofits. In years past, donors were generally satisfied with the act of giving itself, relying on little more than the assurances of the nonprofit beneficiary of their donation that their funds were being put...

Does the Nonprofit Industry Have an Employment Problem?
May 18, 2017 at 10:55 am

Doesn’t it feel like the employee turnover rate in the nonprofit sector is unreasonably high? It sure seems that each time I talk to a nonprofit organization, the person who used to be my contact is no longer there. It can be frustrating for volunteers and donors to deal with what feels like a revolving door of staffers...

Key to the Vault: Getting the Rich to Donate
May 16, 2017 at 10:08 pm

Last week the New York Times published an article titled, “How to Get the Wealthy to Donate.” The piece began with the statement, “Wealthy people are selfish jerks. So are their children.” The article chronicled research that looked at the differences in charitable giving based on net worth. The conclusion of the research studies was clear, “Across a wide range of ages, wealthy adults tended to share less of what they had with others...

Measuring for Impact: It’s Not a ‘One-Size-Fits-All’
May 16, 2017 at 11:43 am

These days, it’s simply not enough to want to make a difference. More recently, donors are more and more interested in finding out how their contribution to a charity influences its overall success. And who could blame them? The nonprofit sector is growing at a rapid pace, with over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations to-date...

NPP Leadership Conference: Last Chance to Register
May 16, 2017 at 11:34 am

We are officially one day away from our beloved NonProfit PRO Leadership Conference! We are ecstatic to meet everyone and throw on a great show. With that said, today is the last day to register for the conference. We still have a few spots available, so please take advantage of this and secure your spot before it disappears...

Who Is Really Making the Decision?
May 16, 2017 at 11:28 am

As an agency that specializes in helping nonprofit organizations develop their brands, we often get calls from marketing managers or development directors who want to improve how their organizations communicate. It’s natural that they are the ones who reach out to us or are the ones we are put in touch with by a referral source. However, in our initial conversations with them, I ask who will be making the decision about the organization’s brand elements—such as the logo or website—and often I hear, “I will...

Friendship-Building Secrets to Build Donor Loyalty
May 16, 2017 at 11:21 am

Ever notice how sometimes when we put on our work hats we cease to be human? How we somehow morph into little robotic “professionals” and become enamored of jargon? “Lybnts.” “Sybnts.” “Recaptures.” Not that those things aren’t important. You need goals and objectives...

10 Reasons to Attend the NonProfit PRO Leadership Conference
May 15, 2017 at 10:35 am

It’s just about that time of the year. We are officially two days away from the annual NonProfit PRO Leadership Conference, and honestly, we could not be more excited. We not only have an impressive line-up of speakers—who just happen to be some of the most prominent thought leaders in our industry—but we also have some great activities throughout the day!...

Alienate Your Major Donor and You'll Lose Money
May 15, 2017 at 10:18 am

The CEO sought advice from her board members and business advisors on a critical organizational decision she needed to make, got the advice then promptly ignored it and did what she wanted. This always amazes me...

NPP Leadership Speaker Profile: Paul D’Alessandro
May 12, 2017 at 10:35 am

Do you want to learn more about engagement and revenue? I think it’s something we’d all like to learn about. I don’t know if there is such a thing as too much engagement or too much revenue. In the nonprofit sector, it’s never enough—especially when you’re going all-in for a cause you care...