Executive Issues
Regardless of where you are in the fiscal year, you should be constantly looking for new volunteers and potential board members. These individuals, if chosen correctly, can bring much needed new contacts, finances and open doors for future possibilities to your organization...
I get a lot of fundraising mail, which is good because to this fundraiser, that’s like food to a starving person. I receive great nourishment from other people’s mail (OPM)—creative stimulation, chuckles, thoughtful moments, emotional engagement, smiles and an occasional tear...
Transitions are a part of life in a nonprofit. According the American Council on Education, the average college or university president serves seven years. Also, the average tenure has been decreasing. The average tenure for a nonprofit CEO/executive director is even shorter...
In our grant applications, we are careful to select the best statistics to set out our need statement. We are careful to use the best descriptions about the demographics of those our organization serves each day...
CEOs who are employed at nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. receive higher salaries if they are more experienced with advanced technologies and if the hospital they are employed at has higher levels of patient satisfaction...
We previously took a look at six legal situations nonprofit leaders regularly encounter, so now we’re looking at six more. As we continue to explore the many legal questions nonprofit organizations face on a daily basis, keep in mind...
Nonprofit finance departments have a unique set of challenges—complex revenue sources, compliance, audits, staff turnover. And those are just a few of the big ones. The finance/accounting team does some critical (if sometimes overlooked) work. The “2016 Nonprofit Finance Study” from Abila took a closer look at what goes on in the department...
Are annual reports important to your nonprofit? I would say definitely so. It provides the past, present and hints of the future for your organization in a very succinct way. Make sure you understand the purpose of the annual report and how you intend to utilize the annual report before launching this program...
A CEO who is actively interested and engaged in fundraising is critical to attracting transformative philanthropic investment. For CEOs who have a passion for building relationships with donors or who perhaps served as fundraisers earlier in their careers, rolling their sleeves up and jumping into the fundraising fray comes naturally...
As the founder of both a social enterprise and nonprofit organization, I have regular conversations with people interested in making a difference. Through these conversations, it’s become apparent that many people hold the false assumption that the only way to make a difference is to start a nonprofit—but “nonprofit” does not automatically equal doing good;…