Executive Issues

Why Good Nonprofit Fundraisers Are Hard to Keep: Part 1
March 17, 2017 at 8:33 am

If youโ€™re a fundraiser, does this sound like you? Show me my money! According to 5 years of research by Penelope Burk (culminating in her book, โ€œDonor-Centered Leadershipโ€), as well as a much-talked-about study by CompassPoint and the Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund, half of chief development officers plan to leave their jobs in 2 years or less and 40 percent plan to leave fundraising entirely...

3 Key Factors to a Successful Meeting
March 15, 2017 at 3:45 pm

Be sure that the meetings you hold are needed. If so, take a few steps to ensure that you have the right people at the table, you have the right agenda to achieve your goals and you guide the meeting to keep the discussion on point and on schedule...

Culture of Philanthropy: Are You Ready?
March 15, 2017 at 3:45 pm

More and more often, we hear this catchy phrase "culture of philanthropy" and how essential it is to high levels of nonprofit fundraising success. Having worked as a staffer for many years, Iโ€™m a firm believer. If you want to raise more money and retain more donors, start by looking at your collective mindset toward philanthropyโ€”a culture shift doesnโ€™t start with strategy...

Now Scammers Want to Steal Your Nonprofitโ€™s Employee W-2 Records
March 10, 2017 at 10:16 am

In early February, the Internal Revenue Service and various tax agencies issued an alert warning employers of a Form W-2 email phishing scam. The scam was well known among private-sector businessesโ€”the Democratic National Committee famously fell for a similar versionโ€”but the IRS updated the alert to include school districts, health-care providers and, yes, nonprofits...

Keeping Nonprofit Overhead Cost Low Comes at a High Price
March 10, 2017 at 9:22 am

Early indications do not favor the Trump administration throwing more money toward human services. So, it appears that people living in the superpower that we call home are going to rely increasingly on the work of nonprofits. The inconvenient truth, though, is that those doing the good work are being "systematically starved," as highlighted byโ€ฆ

Is It Time to Reassess Donorsโ€™ Rights?
March 9, 2017 at 9:29 am

Is it time to urge the AFP to launch a formal effort to update the Donor Bill of Rights, incorporating donors from offline and online sources, into a single, updated and relevant document? I argue it is, and that part of this effort should be to inviteโ€”and considerโ€”input from the fundraisers in the trenches...

How You Can Cause Deep Gladness in Your Donor
March 6, 2017 at 10:05 am

I suppose all of us are trying to make deep gladness happen in our lives in some way or another. I know I am. I have discovered there is direct correlation between my happiness and serving others. It goes up when I am giving myself away. It goes down when I am focused on me. Itโ€™s counterintuitive, I know. But itโ€™s true...

How to Use an Oreo Cookie to Improve Your Capital Campaign
March 6, 2017 at 9:50 am

Fundraising is a high-stake, high-anxiety field. Both staff members and board members face constant anxiety and fear of failure. And the anxiety ramps up during capital campaigns when the goals and consequences of failure are even higher.

Whose Job Is It, Anyway?
March 1, 2017 at 11:57 am

It's quite interesting from a consulting perspective the wide array of decision-making processes in retaining counsel. In larger organizations that have a budget for resources, including hiring advisors and consultants, hiring consultants is most often a staff decision. And it should be...

Trump Wants to Repeal the Johnson Amendment: What Nonprofits Need to Know
February 16, 2017 at 11:16 am

If Trump is successful in repealing the Johnson Amendment, the nonprofit sector will face a heavy burden. The beauty is the Johnson Amendment has been protecting nonprofits from politicians for over 60 years by keeping these organizations nonpartisan, but with its removal, the floodgates would open, and political candidates will begin knocking on the doors of nonprofits seeking endorsements for their...