Executive Issues

Good Leaders Know People — Including Oneself
February 1, 2015

As leaders, we often need to spend a lot of time dealing with abstract issues, such as policies, strategies, financials, goals or customer data. If we aren't careful, we can begin to think that it is in these areas where leadership lies. But an organization is made up of people. These individuals determine its success or failure, and as their leaders, we have to think first about the people we lead.

70 Nonprofit Trends for 2015
February 1, 2015

To get a handle on what’s in store for 2015, NonProfit PRO rounded up some of the nonprofit industry’s finest, who were kind enough to share these 70 trends for this new year — everything from leadership to staffing to fundraising and more.

7 Deadly Sins of Fundraising
January 28, 2015

A campaign to encourage board giving had too many foundational principles that were violated. Here are the seven deadly sins of fundraising committed, sins you can avoid by following fundraising best practices.

The Most Important Part of Fundraising: A Culture of Philanthropy
January 16, 2015

Building a culture of philanthropy is the most important and dynamic program element fundraising professionals should do on a daily basis. As your organizational culture matures, your job becomes easier. Success of various degrees takes time, but failure in this area is not an option. Your organizational long-term philanthropic viability may depend on it!

Why Nonprofits Should Run Like Businesses
January 13, 2015

Throughout my career, as a "reformed" lawyer, I have learned that in order to succeed in raising funds as a nonprofit organization, we must think and act like a business. What makes us different is that our bottom line is not just generating dollars, but more resources and, ultimately, more opportunities for the people we serve.

What's Cooking in 2015?
January 7, 2015

Here's your chance to chime in and help us paint a picture of trends and best practices across all aspects of the nonprofit world in the new year.