Fundraiser Education
I love reviewing Indiana University’s major gift process of metrics and accountability. Each major gift officer must have a portfolio and be accountable for moving that portfolio. When I meet someone with Indiana University experience, I assume they are properly trained to close gifts and move prospects. In my experience over time, I unfortunately have hired several “experienced” major gift officers that just couldn’t pull the trigger...
Last week, I kicked off this series of unpacking the roles solicitors must assume when they seek a gift. They are: bag carrier, authenticator and rainmaker. The second soliciting role is the authenticator. The name says it. Essential qualities of the authenticator are a passion for the cause being pitched and a thorough, almost innate knowledge of the organization...
Hi everyone, I am back in the U.S. after a rough 24-hour trip with a two-year-old that ended with us at U.S. Customs declaring that we had brought back several packages of vegan deer jerky made from soy protein. “I have never heard anyone declaring that before,” said the officer. “Did you try it before…
In the past month, I’ve transitioned from urban planning in the public sector to the peer-to-peer fundraising world at Plenty. Before this shift I worked on countless planning projects that involved the studying of urban vacant lots and the techniques that can be used to stabilize these hazardous parcels through greening and landscaping treatments. And…
We have to focus on numbers to achieve goals. But never lose sight of the high calling of our profession, the power of giving, the respect and honor we owe to donors at all levels, and the life changing invitation (for donors and those who benefit from our worthy missions) we extend...
Summer can be a great time to relax and rest up for the busy season. But don't be fooled—nonprofit leaders know there is still a ton that can be done to set your organization up for success. We talked to a handful of nonprofit leaders about how they're upping their game this summer, and compiled their…
July is National Wheelchair Beautification Month. It's also Cord Blood Awareness Month. I'm not telling you this because I think either of those issues is silly or frivolous. There are no doubt quality nonprofit organizations that need to raise funds for needed programs related to those two issues. But if they use those awareness months…
Are you looking for a quick fix to increase revenue? I don’t blame you. It’s never easy as a major gift fundraiser, and many nonprofits are holding on by a thread because they didn’t do the proper planning they should have. Today, many nonprofits are hoping for the magic bullet or quick fix to turn their fundraising, and in particular, major gift program around...
We have limited resources in fundraising. A key to success it to have a staff culture of philanthropy where your colleagues across the organization understand the importance of philanthropy and the valuable role that they can play to further the success of your organization...
I’m writing this article earlier in the week than usual because I am heading out of town for a few days. No, it’s not vacation—it’s continuing education. Like you, I don’t have time to attend training. I don’t have money to waste on training that doesn’t teach me anything new. And yes, I admit my main incentive for signing up for this training was the tri-annual renewal of my CFRE credentials...