Fundraiser Education

4 Things I Know About Fundraising
April 2, 2015

This week, I want to talk about a few things I do know and how these things should impact our fundraising. Again, this isn't an exhaustive list, but rather what I recently have been grappling with.

Fundraising Lessons From HONY
April 1, 2015

How are you sharing your stories? Through words, through photographs, through video? Think about the stories that inspire your donors and how you can share them more effectively.

Join the NonProfit PRO Event Circuit
April 1, 2015

The nonprofit world is rife with educational and networking opportunities. And with our industry growing and changing so much, at such incredible speed, how can one keep up? When planning our events this year, our short list to work around was 36 events. Thirty-six! And those were only the easily identifiable ones from less than a handful of major associations.

Conviction of a Nonprofit Leader
April 1, 2015

Nonprofits should utilize the DMA Nonprofit Federation's Nonprofit Accountability Dashboard. It's a great step in furthering the discussion and truly educating the public on what running an effective nonprofit organization really means. That's what nonprofit leadership is all about.

Leading Is Not Seasonal: Never Stop Giving Back
April 1, 2015

A big part of life—as we know from our profession—is continually giving and continually learning. Continue to associate with great folks and be part of a cause larger than yourself. Don't make leading or giving a "season of life." Make it a lifelong habit and commitment.

Understanding Why People Give
March 27, 2015

Statistically, more than one-third of all charitable dollars given annually in the United States is directed to religion, and research indicates that faith practitioners are the country's most generous donors.