No one is going to be named “Fundraiser of the Year” for leaving behind great documentation. But I guarantee you that you will be remembered — in a very unkind light — if you fail at this most basic of tasks.
Fundraiser Education
I’m not sure the fundraising sector was tossing around the term peer-to-peer in 1991. But it seems that the first time one person handed another person a pink ribbon, P2P took root. It has since grown into a huge and very purposeful part of the fundraising landscape. And it’s becoming more so, as donors want to be increasingly involved in the organizations they support — beyond simply writing a check.
Major-gifts and planned-gifts officers constantly seek ways to engage with prospects and donors. Every technique is used on a daily basis to identify, rate and screen prospects.
I have been blessed by generous people who provided learnings and suggestions as I traveled my (so far) 35-year journey in fundraising. And I have tried to say "thank you" by sharing information with others
Do donors believe that we are there, to help them, no matter what? And are we?
If your organization does P2P fundraising — or if you wish it would — I hope you'll join us in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 21.
A well-supplied fundraiser heads back to the office this month with the right tools to make the most of these remaining weeks and ensure a healthy finish to the year in terms of fundraising programs.
The IFC is taking place Oct. 14-17 this year and, in an exciting turn of events, is giving nonprofit fundraisers a chance to attend for free!
Allow yourself the essential luxury of thinking longer term. Not day to day — but month by month, year-end and even two to three years out for you and your organization.
Marty Coelho was one of the driving forces behind Relay for Life. You probably don't know him in that context. But if your organization does or is considering doing peer-to-peer fundraising, you probably will want to hear what he has to say.