
Future Fund Engages Young Givers
July 14, 2010

As a member of the grantmaking committee of the Future Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Dan Koenig, a lawyer at Connors Morgan Sinozich, learned a lot and made valuable contacts that have benefited his work as a member of the board of directors of Seven Homes, a local nonprofit that places children in foster homes and received a $1,000 grant from the Future Fund in 2009.

Cities of Service Coalition Awards Second Round of Grants to Boost Volunteerism
July 1, 2010

The Cities of Service coalition has announced two-year grants totaling $2 million to ten cities around the country to hire senior city officials who will develop and implement plans to increase local volunteerism.

Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies, the grants will enable the cities to hire chief service officers, who will work within the mayor's office to convene strategic committees of service experts, conduct assessments of existing service levels, and identify collaborative partnerships to deepen the effects of local volunteerism. The second round of $200,000 Cities of Service Leadership Grants went to Atlanta; Baltimore; Houston; Pittsburgh; Austin, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Chula Vista, California; Little Rock, Arkansas; Orlando, Florida; and Richmond, Virginia.

McKnight Approves Over $30 million in Second Quarter of 2010
June 25, 2010

The McKnight Foundation awarded 117 grants totaling $30,054,000 in its second-quarter 2010 grantmaking.

Of the $30 million total approved, over $1.3 million went to 20 small and mid-sized arts organizations that model innovation in connecting artists and community. Among them, Franconia Sculpture Park, a 20-acre working sculpture park that invites the public into each artist's creative process, received $70,000 over two years; nonprofit literary publisher Milkweed Editions of Minneapolis received $180,000 over three years; Northern Community Radio of Grand Rapids received a $20,000 grant to support its general operations; and Public Art Saint Paul received $60,000 over two years for an artist in residence in the city of St. Paul. Minnesota's oldest performing arts organization, the Schubert Club of Minneapolis, received $80,000 over two years; and SteppingStone Theatre of St. Paul received $60,000 over two years to support youth-specific productions created by professional playwrights.

Nonprofits Report Poor Communication and Little Help From Foundations During the Economic Downturn
June 23, 2010

A new report by the Center for Effective Philanthropy found that nonprofit organizations believe foundations have offered little help and communicated poorly with them during this long economic downturn. According to the report, foundation giving — while only a small portion of most nonprofits' budgets — declined by approximately 8.4 percent in 2009, and foundation giving isn't projected to increase until 2011.

Three Gulf Research Institutions to Receive First Round of $500 Million Funding
June 18, 2010

BP today announced significant progress in its half-billion dollar pledge to the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GRI). Three research institutions in the Gulf region will receive a total of $25 million in fast-track funding for high-priority studies of the distribution, composition and ecological interactions of oil and dispersant. On May 24 BP announced a commitment of up to $500 million to the GRI open research program to study the impact of the Deepwater Horizon incident, and its associated response, on the environment and public health in the Gulf of Mexico.

Some 70% of Grant Makers Say Foundations Have Few Measures to Test Effectiveness
June 15, 2010

More than 70 percent of grant makers say not enough is being done to assess the performance of foundations, according to a survey conducted by the LFA Group for the Center for Effective Philanthropy.

The biggest barriers to measuring performance are the difficulty of establishing a causal relationship between a foundation’s support and creating change, and a lack of time to conduct an evaluation, respondents said. LFA Group polled more than 500 foundation executives and program officers in February.

Search New Subsidyscope Database on Federal Aid to Nonprofits
June 15, 2010

In fiscal year 2008, the federal government gave $38 billion in grants to nonprofit entities and spent $10 billion on non-competed contracts with nonprofits. Billions were also taken in tax expenditures benefiting nonprofits, representing foregone revenues of $50 billion in 2008.

Excluding contracts, that means that the average U.S. household spent $430 a year on programs to nonprofit entities such as universities, hospitals and charities in 2008.