
Foundations See 'Moment of Opportunity' to Improve Schools
April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010, Chronicle of Philanthropy — Twelve foundations announced today they plan to spend $506-million this year on grants designed to bolster a new $650-million federal grant program to expand innovative school-improvement projects.

"We see this as a real moment of opportunity for the country," said Michelle Cahill, a vice president at Carnegie Corporation of New York, which is coordinating the effort along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The grant makers said in a statement they have also created an online registry to make it easier for groups to apply for, and share information about, the new federal program, known as the Investing in Innovation, or "i3," program.

AstraZeneca Pledges $25M to Nonprofits
April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010, News Journal (Delaware) — AstraZeneca has pledged $25 million to be parceled out in grants to U.S.-based nonprofits that exhibit innovative ways to improve heart health, the pharmaceutical giant said Tuesday.

The company donated the money in December to the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation, a nonprofit it created, to fund the multiyear Connections for Cardiovascular Health program.

Grants will be at least $150,000, and applications for this year's awards are due by July 31. Grant winners will be notified in November. The foundation expects to hand out at least $1 million this year to nonprofits with creative ways to address unmet needs in heart health, said Dr. James W. Blasetto, chairman of the AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation.

The $25 million pledge is the largest corporate contribution in AstraZeneca's history, the company said.