Insert Media

Top 5 Digital Skills For Nonprofit Professionals
April 27, 2017 at 9:12 am

Digital outreach is a crucial component of how nonprofits engage with potential donors. The importance and reach of a nonprofit’s digital efforts require a dedicated professional—or more—to maintain them...

Nonprofit Fundraising in the Internet Age: What You Need to Know
April 26, 2017 at 10:43 am

It’s no surprise that many nonprofits turn to the Internet to meet fundraising goals and connect with potential donors. But, does using the Internet for fundraising pose any legal issues? For example, if you have a nonprofit in Pennsylvania, but your online fundraising post reaches a donor in California, is your nonprofit now conducting business in California?...

The Six Fatal Flaws of Donor Newsletters
April 5, 2005

One of the main ingredients of a donor newsletter is, well, news. But your newsletter shouldn’t read like a local newspaper rife with lofty objectivism; it should be personal, conversational and intimate -- a lot like good direct mail, says Tom Ahern, ABC, of Ahern Communications Ink. Donors are interested in reading about three basic things: accomplishments (What did you do with my money?); vision (What could you do with my money?); and recognition (I want to be thanked for contributing my money.). In his session here yesterday, Ahern outlined six of the most common flaws ailing donor newsletters: 1. No news is NOT

Insert Success Story Here
April 1, 2005

In the for-profit world, insert media no longer is considered an “alternative” marketing channel. Program managers are seeing significant usage by mailers seeking vehicles to brand and sample their myriad products and services. But for most nonprofits, an insert is still just an alternative, a substitute, a backup.

One of the greatest challenges for charities considering insert media, according to Curt Weigel, account supervisor at Seattle-based direct-marketing agency the Domain Group, is finding enough relevant programs to accommodate a campaign’s fundraising needs.