Major Gifts

What Do You Control?
June 5, 2017 at 10:49 am

I once worked with a major gift officer, Janet (not her real name) who was so grounded as a person, nothing seemed to rattle her. Janet was incredibly gifted at developing relationships, staying focused and doing all the “little things” right...

The Case of the Bloated Caseload
May 30, 2017 at 11:41 am

My question for you is this: What is the size of your caseload? If it’s above 150, it’s way to high. So, take steps to trim it down. It may feel counterintuitive, but if you focus on fewer good donors and go deep with them your result will be much better on several levels—relationally for the donor and for you and economically for the organization...

It’s Time to Let Those Donors Go
May 22, 2017 at 9:43 am

Letting go… It’s not always easy, is it? Anyone who has had to take their child to college or end a relationship knows saying goodbye is never easy. It’s also not easy for you as a major gift officer (MGO) when a donor, who you have been stewarding and cultivating over time, no longer meets the criteria as a major donor...

Alienate Your Major Donor and You'll Lose Money
May 15, 2017 at 10:18 am

The CEO sought advice from her board members and business advisors on a critical organizational decision she needed to make, got the advice then promptly ignored it and did what she wanted. This always amazes me...

Anthony Rizzo Donates $3.5M Toward Children’s Cancer Treatments
May 10, 2017 at 10:28 am

Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo will donate $3.5 million to Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, his foundation announced. The donation will be used to lend financial assistance to families who have trouble covering the cost of their children’s cancer treatments. The hospital has also renamed a waiting room after the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation. Rizzo…

Don’t Read This If You’re Looking for a Shortcut in Major Gifts
May 8, 2017 at 10:13 am

We believe that being a major gift officer is the hardest fundraising job in the industry. It’s incredibly hard. You have to not only develop relationships with donors, but with every one of your colleagues to help you inspire and solicit donors with your organization’s great projects...

What Do You Control in Major Gifts?
May 1, 2017 at 12:45 am

There’s quite a bit of noise out there in the major gift world on management—what next step to take, how to approach the donor, how to frame the ask, etc. And still, with all of that information, Jeff and I find hundreds of major gift officers frustrated in their jobs...

When Should You Give Up on a Lapsed Monthly Donor?
April 24, 2017 at 9:06 am

A year or so ago, I joined 20 organizations with a monthly gift. And (sneaky me), I gave them a card that was going to expire a month later. I then tracked what organizations did in terms of “thank you” letters and actions to try to get me back...

Nonprofit Group Commits $30M for New Omaha VA Facility
April 20, 2017 at 3:29 pm

A nonprofit corporation announced Wednesday that it's signed an agreement with federal officials to raise $30 million for a new veterans outpatient clinic in Omaha. Officials said it's the first of five public-private pilot projects nationwide for the Department of Veterans Affairs. The local money will be added to $56 million already appropriated for the…

#GivingTuesday Donations on the Rise
April 19, 2017 at 2:53 pm

The day after Thanksgiving, the holidays hit full-force. And it’s not just the radio stations blasting “Here Comes Santa Claus” every half hour—it’s the shopping frenzies of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Thankfully, (no pun intended) for the past four years, we’ve had a day to shift the focus away from materialism and back to the true spirit of the holidays: Giving Tuesday...