Major Gifts
Bonterra announced key takeaways from a recent study, which showed fundraising is a major hurdle for nonprofit organizations.
The pandemic created a paradigm shift in the nonprofit sector, which has changed fundraising as we once knew it.
Experts provide nonprofits guidance on how to cultivate event attendees into major donors at your organization.
Many wealthy individuals now prefer working through intermediaries to handle their giving activity. Here are tips to draw them closer.
Join us to learn how to craft a successful communication strategy for major giving campaigns.
Beyond providing generous financial support, board members can act as fundraising ambassadors. Offering board members a variety of ways to engage with fundraising sets everyone up for success. Here are five opportunities for board members to contribute to their nonprofits’ fundraising efforts.
Historically, major gift officers solely sought donors with the capacity to make major gifts, and planned gift officers focused on prospects with the result being a planned gift. But now, blended gifts are the future of gift planning.
In fundraising, there is one singular approach to success, and that is relational fundraising.
The average age of donors is 65. An estimated one in nine people age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s disease. If you were in a meeting with a prospective donor for a major or planned gift, what would you do if you did detect cognitive decline?
Let’s discuss some responses to pushback that will leave you well-equipped to communicate with donors.