Major Gifts
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and its philanthropic arm, the Walmart Foundation, are making a $25 million, five-year commitment to disaster preparation and recovery efforts. The announcement, timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, will be made today in New Orleans. Kathleen McLaughlin, the foundation’s president, said grants will be made in the U.S.…
I love asking for a gift. I love the conversation about big dreams and changing lives. I enjoy helping people realize what a difference they can make. But another great fundraising rule is: Do not ask for a major gift on a first visit. That’s the first date. You are just learning about your donor(s)...
The annual appeal concept is one that holds to the idea that donors give one time, once a year, hence the words “annual gift” or the question, “Has the donor made their annual gift yet?” Fundraising programs built on this philosophy look to secure that one gift once a year, and then the work is finished. There are several things wrong with this concept...
It's been dubbed the "Up" house for its resemblance to the home—and aircraft—in the 2009 animated Pixar movie Up. At 1,050 square feet, the "spite house" in Seattle has become a celebrated site. It has a rich history thanks to its colorful former owner, Edith Macefield, who for decades refused to sell her home to…
The messages you send early on in a project’s development, the leaders you involve, how you plan for and implement a campaign and when you break ground all impact the success of a major fundraising campaign. Throughout a campaign, if people think the project is taken care of, by the organization, or other donors or volunteers, they will happily pass and let someone else do it...
Spaceworks, a nonprofit devoted to providing artists with affordable, accessible studio space throughout New York City, has just been promised $10 million from the city to continue its efforts in the Bronx. In its largest-scale project yet, the Brooklyn-based organization is due to renovate 50,000 square feet of future studio space and community art facilities…
Inside the Field Museum's recently unveiled Cyrus Tang Hall of China, a rare kingfisher headdress glitters in a new technological light. Touch screens allow visitors to view it and 350 or so other artifacts from every angle and to read the unique stories behind them. This sort of approach might not have happened if it…
A roundup of notable gifts compiled by The Chronicle: California Institute of Technology Intel Corporation co-founder Gordon Moore and his wife, Betty, pledged $100 million to endow the institution. The Moores said how the institute chooses to use the donation is up to its leaders, who announced the money will be used to establish a…
I love reviewing Indiana University’s major gift process of metrics and accountability. Each major gift officer must have a portfolio and be accountable for moving that portfolio. When I meet someone with Indiana University experience, I assume they are properly trained to close gifts and move prospects. In my experience over time, I unfortunately have hired several “experienced” major gift officers that just couldn’t pull the trigger...
We conduct feasibility studies to provide the research on what we will face in a campaign. It is invaluable. When it comes to someone’s potential, life happens and other commitments and priorities are in play. Someone may have a health or family situation that no one knows about that is impacting their giving. They may be in a very different position in a few months or a few years. Let’s keep honoring our donors and prospective donors, and building long-term relationships that transcend campaign timeframes...