Major Gifts
Ted Hart speaks with John Greenhoe, major-gift officer at Western Michigan University and author of "Opening the Door to Major Gifts: Mastering the Discovery Call," on his Nonprofit Coach radio show.
In fundraising, you can't count on one big Hail Mary play to change the campaign's momentum. In fundraising, you need to plan on momentum.
I’ve seen lots of people strike out when they finally get that coveted appointment with their major donor. Why? Because they bore their donor. Make sure you engage your donor while you are in her office! Here are my top ways to get the most out of a major-donor visit: 1. Always set objectives before you walk in the door. 2. Ask for advice. 3. Listen, listen, listen. 4. Show up as an interesting person and conversationalist. 5. Probe the interest in your cause. 6. Listen for the donor to say "we."
Major individual gifts are the single largest source of philanthropy, by far. The most recent data from Giving USA shows 72 percent of gifts come from individuals’ annual gifts and an additional 7 percent from bequests. The process of individual donor development proceeds along a continuum — from awareness … to education … to involvement … to investment. People must first be made aware of the organization’s existence and its mission. Once this occurs, people who share values enacted by your organization can be identified, further educated and majorly involved.
Most of us like to talk. And we like the sound of our voices. But being a great listener — an active and engaged listener — is key to deep relationship building and fundraising success.
To be successful, you need enough qualified prospects to be likely candidates for their larger giving levels. You also need volunteers and staff (and we still believe in the power of volunteers making gift requests) to make these visits.
By now, you're probably familiar with "giving circles" — groups of individuals who pool their money, research potential organizations and then donate together to have a greater impact on a charitable cause.
From a nonprofit's perspective, giving circles are a tremendous opportunity. They offer a chance for larger donations without the need for potentially costly outreach campaigns.
What are some strategies to help your charity position itself to be attractive to giving circles? We have some easy tips you can follow to get on a giving circle's radar!
Have you ever been responsible for the creation or expansion of a major-gift club at your institution? If so, you understand the importance a gift club can play in the life of any organization. This gift-club concept works well if you keep the premise simple and focus on one gift club for development. While you may not need all four quadrants in your plan, you should try promoting a gift club with your organization. This club began as a focal point for the hospital and generated several million dollars over time to assist thousands of people engaged in the health care system. Development of this concept isn't easy, but it's well worth it!
Like fishing in the ocean, the larger the fish, the longer it takes. Once you land the first million-dollar-plus donor, you will be hungry for more. At the end of the day, make sure you have the right bait because thousands of fishing boats are in the harbor!
Give yourself and your staff permission to think creatively about bringing passion back into your organization. A passionless staff means a passionless organization — one that is on a path toward extinction.