Monthly Giving
A small change can make a huge difference when it comes to donations and monthly gifts.
In my experience working with nonprofits, helping them develop their monthly giving program, it’s the first step that’s the hardest.
This past week, I received several questions from nonprofit organizations about the best tools to use to process monthly gifts.
When I ask the question, “How many monthly donors do you have?” fundraisers typically know that number.
The drip-by-drip approach could lead to huge monthly giving success.
With live events canceled for the foreseeable future, nonprofits are now trying to learn new peer-to-peer platforms.
As we’re all slowly moving back to what is now considered “the new normal,” nonprofits are still struggling.
When I first started working in monthly giving, generating monthly gifts and processing their monthly payments was a process.
In 99% of the cases I come across every day, monthly giving can be offered using the tools you already have in place.
Right now, social distancing is putting up that invisible wall between people, families and loved ones. It’s limiting our freedom.