
St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital sent a follow-up thank-you direct mailer to my online peer-to-peer gift and subsequently got me to give that all-important second gift.
Direct-response fundraisers are being asked to measure more carefully in an increasingly complex environment. So, are we doing it right?
Here, a look at case studies on Stop Hunger Now's Haiti Relief campaign and the Salvation Army's annual Red Kettle Drive.
We live in a multichannel world. We're used to getting information from multiple sources. And so are donors. If we do it so easily in our daily lives, why is multichannel fundraising so hard?
Take a look at the Human Rights Campaign's successful online/offline conversion efforts — and the direct-mail package, dubbed "Right Side of History," that also allowed it to expand its traditional base of support.
As fundraising continues to evolve, I think we've moved even beyond the notion of multichannel integration. We've gone holistic. Or should.
Fairleigh Dickinson University broke out of this pattern via a deliberate, well-articulated restructuring. Here's FDU's strategy and results, and my recommendation of a four-step process to bring marketing and fundraising into a productive partnership.
Compassion & Choices relies on ‘omnichannel’ marketing — a steady flow of consistent messaging — to fuel its fight for end-of-life rights.
The concept of multichannel fundraising isn’t new, but it has certainly evolved to new levels of relevance as the result of the recent advances in and proliferation of mobile and social media. The three phases outlined below highlight the evolution of multichannel fundraising.
Ted Hart speaks with FundRaising Success' own editor-in-chief, Margaret Battistelli Gardner, about the importance of holistic fundraising in the sector.