
The scope of this multichannel campaign—consisting of an email series, social media posts, landing pages, SEM ads, catalogs, inserts, brochures and more—is staggering. But it was the consistency across channels that really wowed our judges...
Being online is a critical part of your donor’s life. It’s also a critical part of their experience with your organization. So your year-end campaign must be online, too. In fact, to succeed in today’s environment, year-end campaigns must be multichannel — not just direct mail, but also email and social media.
If you think you can send one fundraising appeal and then wait for the donations to pour in, you’re in for a rude awakening. Your donors are busy and may put your letters aside to handle later, and then never get to them. Or, they may not see your fundraising email in their ever-growing inboxes.…
Large or small, new or established, your nonprofit needs to set realistic fundraising goals. I am not talking about setting a specific dollar amount as a target (although this is still critical). I’m talking about how you ask for donations. Here are the strategies and goals to use if you want to broaden your fundraising…
John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” segment mocking presidential candidate Donald Trump arrived just in time for Super Tuesday. Unless you’ve been living under a rock these last few days, you’ve probably seen #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain taking over the Internet. While there certainly is a political lesson to be learned from the clip, it’s also a perfect crash…
Are you annoyed by those pop-up boxes that suddenly appear on some websites? Probably. Are your constituents? Likely. Does that mean your nonprofit website should avoid them? No. Everyone knows to raise money, you need to ask. And simply having a donate button on your home page isn’t a strong ask. With so much to…
NonProfit PRO underwent plenty of change in 2015: new name, new look, new website and more. But one thing that’s stayed the same is our focus on fundraising. So, it is with great pride that we continue the tradition begun 10 years ago by FundRaising Success. We present to you the Gold Awards for Fundraising Excellence.
Where should smart fundraisers be giving their attention in 2016 to capitalize on our economic growth? Technology changes and the economy changes. But people? Not so much. How will you be increasing fundraising revenue and strengthening donor relationships in 2016? Here are six things smart fundraisers will be doing...
Oh yes, I get excited about marketing charts. I like when they break a myth and when they prove one. Here, I take a look at four marketing charts from MarketingSherpa that explore consumer's preferred communication channels, subject lines, promotional email frequency and communication thoughts by age agroup. What does the data tell us about nonprofit marketing?...
Move over, Millennials. There’s a new generation in town and they are eager to innovate in our communities. Generation Z was recently named the Founders generation by MTV. No matter whether you refer to them as Gen Z, iGen, Post-Millennials or Founders, they’re moving into the workplace and will be a valuable asset to nonprofits.…