A new survey from the NonProfit Times and Infogroup/Nonprofit found that donors, when asked which type of organization actually needs money, see education as a top priority.
However, the most recent data available from the Giving USA Foundation found that more than one-third of total donations made by individuals between 1992 and 2009 went to religious groups, including $100.9 billion in 2009, compared to $40 billion for education organizations.
As job hunts became tough after the crisis, evidence suggested that more young people considered public service. In 2009, 16 percent more young college graduates worked for the federal government than in the previous year and 11 percent more for nonprofit groups, according to an analysis by The New York Times of data from the American Community Survey of the United States Census Bureau. A smaller Labor Department survey showed that the share of educated young people in these jobs continued to rise last year.
In the course of doing their jobs, the ethical challenge fundraisers most commonly face involves donors' intentions about how their contributions are to be used, a new survey says.
About 30 percent of respondents to a recent poll say the ethical dilemma they are most likely to face is "use of donated funds," says the Association of Fundraising Professionals, which conducted an online poll on its website during January.
About 16 percent of the 569 respondents say privacy and confidentiality are the top ethical challenge, while 15 percent cite "donor control over gifts."
As the nation climbs into a post-recession environment, those in the world of nonprofit say they’re just starting to feel the brunt of the downturn. St. vincent de Paul's Terry McDonald said local nonprofits have struggled particularly hard in the past six months. He said state and county budget cuts are hitting and will continue to hit nonprofits hard.
Cuts at the state and county level are not the end of the problem for many nonprofits – nonprofit organizers said federal cuts also are a concern.
Next time you're out raising money for your favorite charity, you would do best to first hit up your female friends — or perhaps the wives of your male ones. Women, it appears, are much better givers.
According to a recent study by the Women's Philanthropy Institute at the University of Indiana, women are as much as 40% more likely to donate than men. What's more, women at nearly every income level are better givers. Not only do they give more often; they also tend to donate more.
Online giving continues to lead the changing nature of fundraising with social and mobile channels now emerging as well. Thankfully there is useful information that is actionable for all nonprofits.
Sage North America announced the results of its recently conducted Sage Nonprofit Insights, Q1 2011, survey of U.S. nonprofit organizations. In general, organizations that fundraise are optimistic that 2011 will be a better year than 2010, with 90 percent saying they expect the amount of funds raised in 2011 to be equal to or higher than the amount raised in 2010.
In addition, organizations are planning to put more effort behind online fundraising during 2011. Forty-four percent of respondents said they expect the share of donation made online to increase this year.
Houses of worship and other charities often aren't in competition for dollars but instead tend to reap donations from similar donors, a new study shows. Slightly more than 50 percent of people who financially supported congregations also gave to at least one charitable organization in the last year, according to a study conducted by Phoenix-based Grey Matter Research Consulting.
Researchers also found that the more Americans give to a house of worship, the more they donate to other groups. And the trend continues with the generosity of the donor.
Blackbaud announced the release of its 2010 Online Giving Report, which provides the most comprehensive review of online giving trends currently available in the nonprofit sector. The report found that online giving grew 35 percent in 2010 and accounted for 8 percent of all fundraising.
The 2010 Study of High Net-Worth Philanthropy provides fundraisers with insights on wealthy donors' behaviors and giving preferences.