NonProfit Pro

To get a handle on what’s in store for 2015, NonProfit PRO rounded up some of the nonprofit industry’s finest, who were kind enough to share their nonprofit trends for 2015. Here are four trends on giving channels and options.
(Press release, March 9, 2015) — Blackbaud launched Blackbaud Partner Marketplace™, the world’s first online marketplace dedicated to the nonprofit, charitable giving and education communities, featuring products that extend and enhance Blackbaud solutions.
(Press release, March 9, 2015) — As partisan gridlock plagues Washington, Americans are increasingly looking to state and local institutions for innovative approaches to solving the country's most pressing challenges, according to poll results released by The Allstate Corp. and National Journal.
To get a handle on what’s in store for 2015, NonProfit PRO rounded up some of the nonprofit industry’s finest, who were kind enough to share their nonprofit trends for 2015. Here are five trends on donor retention.
Recent tweets on fundraising (#fundraising).
(Press release, Feb. 23, 2015) — Exponent Philanthropy, the largest philanthropic membership organization in the United States, released its 2015 Foundation Operations and Management Report, the premier benchmarking resource for foundations that operate with few or no staff. The comprehensive report is based on survey responses from Exponent Philanthropy member foundations and details how foundations that operate leanly — the largest segment of the philanthropy community — are impacting communities.
An Internet debate about "the dress" has gone viral again, this time with serious undertones. A Salvation Army campaign to fight domestic violence has played on the brouhaha about the color of a dress and in doing so has racked up at least 30 million Twitter impressions and loads of media coverage, said Carin Holmes, public-relations secretary for the Salvation Army in South Africa.
More women than men populate the executive offices at Pittsburgh regional nonprofits, but their salaries continue to lag those of their male counterparts by a significant margin. Though 64 percent of executive directors at nonprofits in southwestern Pennsylvania are female, their average pay was $101,475, or 75 percent of the average $135,170 that male executives were paid, according to a new survey conducted by the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University and accounting firm Horovitz, Rudoy & Roteman.
Writing fundraising copy takes concentration and focus. There are a lot of elements, strategic and creative, that have to be accounted for as you write. It takes up a lot of your headspace.
Tweets from the 2015 Nonprofit Technology Conference (#NTC15).