NonProfit Pro

Lopsided Pittsburgh Region Nonprofit Wages Raising Questions
March 10, 2015

More women than men populate the executive offices at Pittsburgh regional nonprofits, but their salaries continue to lag those of their male counterparts by a significant margin. Though 64 percent of executive directors at nonprofits in southwestern Pennsylvania are female, their average pay was $101,475, or 75 percent of the average $135,170 that male executives were paid, according to a new survey conducted by the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University and accounting firm Horovitz, Rudoy & Roteman.

Romancing the Moves (Management)
March 9, 2015

Moves management. Sounds really sexy, doesn't it? Not really. But if not done correctly, you will be an utter failure as a major gifts officer.

Outsource Your Non-Fundraising Brain
March 9, 2015

Writing fundraising copy takes concentration and focus. There are a lot of elements, strategic and creative, that have to be accounted for as you write. It takes up a lot of your headspace.