
Dr. Ben Carson has been under increasing scrutiny during the past week with a series of national stories questioning his statements about an offer of a scholarship to West Point and claims about violence in his youth. But Carson has turned those controversies around, saying that he has raised $3.5 million from sympathizers who believe…
Nonprofits should be watching how presidential candidates are using Facebook and deploying similar strategies. Let’s face it, these candidates are trying to tell their story, get people to align with their mission and goals, get people to share their thoughts with friends and family, and take other kinds of action, like donating and messaging support. Sounds a lot like what every nonprofit needs from Facebook as well...
Florida's state-worker charitable campaign, under fire over revelations most of the money is going to the company overseeing it instead of charity, ended its most recent drive Friday with its worst showing since at least the 1990s. The Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign, which began in 1980 and was run for years by the United…
If you remember the plot of Mel Brooks' classic movie "The Producers" the idea was that the scammers set out to produce the worst possible play imaginable to be certain it would close after one night. Yet, they made it so bad it broke through the membrane of awful into the sublime. And they were…
Hillary Clinton now is supporting a federal investigation of Exxon Mobil Corp. following the latest disclosures that the giant oil company worked to hide the effects of climate change. Her call for an investigation comes only months after the company decided to stop sponsoring her family’s foundation. The Clinton Foundation has accepted at least $1…
Logically, it seems as though Democrats would more heavily rely on social media for campaigning than Republicans because of their younger voting base. This notion is partly true and certainly was true in the groundbreaking Obama 2008 campaign. The party’s outreach toward younger voters is just as important today. Hillary Clinton, for instance, has been…
Back in September, Donald Trump demanded CNN donate the proceeds of the GOP debate to charity. Now, the high-end dress shoe is on the other foot as “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert recently challenged Trump to donate $1 million to The Harlem Children’s Zone in the wake of Trump's remarks that he received a "small loan" of $1 million from his father early in his career...
Paul Ryan has been abundantly clear: As speaker of the House, he won’t spend all of his time jetting across the country to keep the National Republican Congressional Committee flush. But far from being concerned, top GOP moneymen believe the Wisconsin Republican will be a major boon financially for the party. The national network he’s…
A group of Democrats in the U.S. Senate sent a letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen, urging them to stop for-profit colleges from converting to nonprofit status. Those colleges, they argue, are looking to evade federal income taxes, gainful employment regulations and the so-called 90/10 rule, which restricts…
Ben Carson said, “nine out of 10 nonprofits fail.” Yet data on nonprofits show that half of the organizations that received their tax-exempt status 20 years ago were still considered active by the IRS in 2015. Carson, who currently ranks second in an average of national polls for the GOP presidential nomination, made the claim…