
Close associates of President Obama have set a fundraising target of at least $800 million to establish the infrastructure for his post-White House life, centering on a tech-minded "digital-first" presidential library and an anticipated global foundation, writes The New York Times. Costs for the projects could run as high as $1 billion, according to one…
Alabama became the third state in a week to pull state funding for Planned Parenthood on Thursday. Gov. Robert Bentley, a medical doctor, tweeted that life from "conception to birth and beyond" is important to him. "I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not,"…
No matter what happens in the coming months with voting, and whether your blood runs red or blue (or purple), let’s face it—good marketing is good marketing and something we can all learn from...
After the Associated Press reviewed Donald Trump’s financial records and other government filings, it has come to the following conclusions about his claims to charitable contributions over the past five years: They may be overstated. Even if they were accurate, they’re relatively chintzy. They’re often connected to some kind of celebrity. In some cases, Trump…
California's attorney general said Friday that she will review an anti-abortion group's undercover videos targeting Planned Parenthood to determine if the activist group has breached nonprofit registration or reporting requirements or other state laws, the Associated Press reports. Kamala Harris announced the investigation in a letter to four congressional Democrats who had requested a probe…
Heather Foster, the White House’s lead liaison to the African-American community who helped coordinate President Obama’s response to the Charleston shooting, and Ferguson and Baltimore riots, is leaving her post to join the new White House-backed initiative to help young men of color. Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement for…
Conservative Republicans on Capitol Hill are pursuing legislation to protect tax-exempt groups that object to same-sex marriage on religious or moral grounds, setting up a possible intra-party battle on the issue, The New York Times and The Washington Post report. More than 150 GOP senators and representatives are calling for quick action in the wake…
The first major campaign finance data dump of the 2016 presidential race is in, offering a look into how the candidates are raising and spending money. With second-quarter disclosures due at midnight July 15, most campaigns released their figures late Wednesday and into the evening. Already, just a few months into the race, the figures…
Six days after the FBI raided Allentown, Pa. City Hall, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton returned a $1,000 contribution from Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski's campaign committee. The donation, made May 5 by Friends of Ed Pawlowski, was refunded July 8 by Hillary for America, according to Federal Election Commission records. The Clinton campaign and Pawlowski did…
Jeb Bush's presidential campaign raised $11.4 million in the second quarter, and his allied super PAC brought in more than $103 million in the first six months of the year, giving the Republican presidential contender an unprecedented war chest as he heads into the highly competitive 2016 primary contest. The massive sum raised by the…