
The only voice we should be concerned about in our direct-mail fundraising is the voice that works — the voice that raises the most money. And the great thing about fundraising is that we can test one letter versus another, one style or voice against something very different, to find what works best.
Two designated charities are already benefiting from the publicity generated by the mock rallies announced by Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on their shows in recent weeks. The comedians have told supporters to donate money to help restore the park where the rallies will be held and to buy school supplies for classrooms in their community. So far, they’ve raised a total of $364,000.
The ACLU's Leading Freedom Forward campaign transformed the organization's mind-set and major- and planned-giving strategies.
The federal government's annual charity drive has started, and organizers in the National Capital Area are hoping to set new records for participation this year despite tough economic times. On Sept. 1, the Combined Federal Campaign launched its 2010 season of giving, and federal employees nationwide will have until Dec. 15 to donate to approved organizations. Linda Washington, chairwoman of the National Capital Area's Local Federal Coordinating Committee and senior policy adviser for community initiatives at the Transportation Department, said she remains confident in the charitable spirit of feds inside the Beltway.
Representative Joe Baca has achieved near celebrity status in his suburban Los Angeles district, as much for his record of giveaways Thanksgiving turkeys, college scholarships, spare boots for firefighters as for anything he has done in Congress. That generosity is made possible by the Joe Baca Foundation, a charity his family set up three years ago to aid local organizations. It provides another benefit, too: helping the Democratic congressman run something akin to a permanent political campaign.
WASHINGTON - June 30 - Today, 150 nonprofit and allied organizations sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission supporting the agency's efforts to protect the open Internet. A diverse group of organizations, including Free Press, NTEN, NOW, ColorofChange.org, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund, Miles for Cystic Fibrosis and Helping Hands Pet Rescue, signed the letter.
"We are pleased that so many organizations are lending their voice to this important issue that affects all organizations, large and small," said Free Press Associate Outreach Director Misty Perez Truedson. "The open Internet is vital to reaching members and activists and is invaluable as a medium for civic engagement. There is growing momentum to counter big phone and big cable lobbying efforts and to put consumers first."
No matter what cause you raise money for, you know what the across-the-board challenges are. The economic downturn. More and more competition for donor dollars. Rising mail costs. The delicate balance between old and new strategies. Figuring out how much people power to devote to things that might raise some money in the future but aren't bringing in the bucks just yet. Finding, training and keeping good fundraisers. Etc., etc., etc.
Imagine thousands of people in 135 countries around the world, all raising their cell phones in the air at the same time and then simultaneously placing phone calls to world leaders to make a point about climate change.
President Obama's presidential campaign proved that new media technologies can help engage and broaden the base of support for a cause and create a powerful movement.
Barack Obama's primary and presidential campaigns challenged and changed online fundraising, becoming the envy of many in the nonprofit sector.
In a session at the Franklin Forum, sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Philadelphia Chapter in Philadelphia in late April, Justin Ehrenwerth, who served as Philadelphia coordinator for Obama for America, gave attendees an overview of the campaign's fundraising and volunteer strategies. He also shared advice on how nonprofits can implement similar ideas in their programs.