
Keep 'Em Around in 2013
December 1, 2012

Attrition is a fact of life at nonprofits, but what you do now can increase the number of first-time donors who remain loyal in the new year.

Year-End Giving: Renewing or Refreshing?
November 16, 2012

As you reach out to renew those friendships with loyal donors to your cause with year-end appeals, the first question you should ask yourself is how these investors to your organization came to be the loyal, dependable friends that they are? You’ll discover that sustaining and expanding the flow of year-end investments is much more about what you did last year than anything you will do in the next few weeks.

The Multichannel Renewal Campaign
November 1, 2012

No matter what other programs you currently have in place, if you don't have a renewal channel — and especially a multichannel program — you're missing the boat big time. So, let's start by looking at an ideal renewal framework and then move to the multichannel dimensions.

Dealing With the Dreaded 'A' Word
January 18, 2012

Every nonprofit, large or small, has one thing in common. All suffer, in some degree or another, from donor attrition. Once you know where your biggest “leakage” is occurring, you can focus on strategies to plug some holes.

Find the Gold in Your Fundraising This Fall
November 1, 2011

Your two top priorities for your year-end fundraising this year should be to get last year's donors to renew their gifts and get your lapsed donors back into the fold with a renewed gift.