Welcome back to #NPPTrendingNow, a weekly video series where NonProfit PRO Editor-in-Chief Nhu Te breaks down the top three coveted stories of the week. Here's what we've got going on for you this week: Nelson Andrews, tips for donor retention and the ANA acquisition of the DMA...
Donor retention can be tough. Getting a donation is one thing, but keeping those donors coming back is something else entirely. Here’s what you can do to turn those one-time donors into long-term benefactors.
As a leader, attracting new nonprofit donors and keeping them engaged is essential to your success. But what makes donors tick? And what do they really want from you?...
According to the “2018 Nonprofit Leadership Impact Study” released by NonProfit PRO and MobileCause, “Donor loyalty is a priority area of focus for nonprofits, which was rated as the most important outcome when measuring their organization’s annual success.” Retaining donors is a big deal...
In the nonprofit world, we’re always on the search for new donors. We direct vast resources toward reaching the public to create fresh connections—and we should! Not only is it necessary, but it’s exciting to spread your organization’s message, especially so when when a potential donor shows interest...
Volunteer retention is as important going into 2018 as it has ever been before. Volunteer behavior is changing and supporters want to be engaged in exchange for their time. What strategies is your nonprofit deploying to keep volunteers coming back? How is your organization measuring volunteer impact and communicating with your volunteer base?...
Here’s a question for you: Does location determine the level of donor generosity? When we think about our economy, we know that there are people who make a higher income in certain parts of the country and those who make a lower income on other parts of the country...
I’m so excited! I just received “The 2017 Burk Donor Survey Report,” and this year’s study has a huge section on sustainers—comparing this year’s donors’ answers to ones from 2012, when they last had this major focus on monthly gifts...
I’m so excited! I just received “The 2017 Burk Donor Survey Report,” and this year’s study has a huge section on sustainers—comparing this year’s donors’ answers to ones from 2012, when they last had this major focus on monthly gifts. The top reason why donors want to give monthly is because it assures nonprofits of […]
Welcome back to #NPPTrendingNow, a weekly video series where NonProfit PRO Editor-in-Chief Nhu Te breaks down the top three coveted stories of the week. Here's what we've got going on for you this week: Andrea Kihlstedt quizzes you with eight possible approaches for engaging wealthy donors; Nick Ellinger dives into donor retention; and we talk about how tragedies can spur charitable giving...