
Anatomy of a 
May 1, 2012

If the problems of acquisition and retention are related and severe, and the financial imperative to fix them so clear, then why are the trend lines getting worse, not better? Why aren't more donors giving a second gift?

Dealing With the Dreaded 'A' Word
January 18, 2012

Every nonprofit, large or small, has one thing in common. All suffer, in some degree or another, from donor attrition. Once you know where your biggest “leakage” is occurring, you can focus on strategies to plug some holes.

What Your Donors Want to Hear Before Dec. 31
December 1, 2011

Your donors are going to be bombarded by fundraising messages between now and Dec. 31. On the radio, in the mail, on billboards — the encouragement to "give now before Dec. 31" will be hard to miss. How can your message stand out and result in donations?

Bad Economic News: It's Not Over Yet
December 1, 2011

You can't change the economy, but you can do your best to keep your fundraising on track. Here are five steps for fundraising in a recession and making the most of the year-end.

Lost: Donor Service. Reward If Found
November 17, 2011

Are some fundraisers "in love" with their donor bases but not all that fond of the individual donors? Maybe that explains some of the disservice I've seen lately.

Nonprofits Retained More Donors in 2010, Report Shows
August 31, 2011

Nonprofit organizations in the U.S. were better at retaining donors and shored up their net losses in donations in 2010, according to the latest report of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP). The FEP, a report of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at the Urban Institute, compares gains and losses of donors and donation amounts. The FEP indicates year over year growth by comparing how many new donors are acquired with how many stopped giving, and the donation levels of each.