Social Media
While a strong social following on Facebook is already an immense advantage for nonprofits, those fans are about to become even more valuable. Thanks to the introduction of Facebook's "Donate Now" button, it's easier than ever for nonprofits to turn online engagement into meaningful monetary contributions. The titan of social media has always been a…
Think fast: Who is the best storyteller you know? Odds are, it's someone who doesn't simply tell what happened. Rather, the best storytellers show what happened by punctuating their stories with rich description, vivid examples and compelling details. In today's intensely competitive market, nonprofits face greater challenges than ever before when it comes to distinguishing…
This September, nonprofits could earn extra simply by leveraging Facebook and Twitter. GoodWorld, a startup that aims to help nonprofits easily raise funds online, is launching Social Giving September, a monthlong fundraising event for nonprofits working on particular issues. There will be one theme for each week of the month, and nonprofits can choose under…
It’s well documented that companies with a defined strategy are the ones that experience the most success on social. For others, the challenge is knowing where to start. According to Gretchen Fox, co-founder of the social strategy and training agency Made To Order, the social media marketing industry is operating under the guise of nascence,…
The average person worldwide has five social media accounts and spends an average of one hour and 40 minutes browsing these networks every day. In 2005 Facebook was only open to college students and professors, Twitter didn’t exist, and the iPhone was still in concept mode. The Internet was primarily a desktop PC or laptop…
The numbers are important—likes, follows, retweets all show that your audience is paying attention. It's easy, however, to fall into the trap of thinking that numbers are the only goal when what you really want is something much bigger. Engagement—interaction that is meaningful and advances your organization's impact—is what your communication efforts should be aiming to…
No matter what happens in the coming months with voting, and whether your blood runs red or blue (or purple), let’s face it—good marketing is good marketing and something we can all learn from...
Donor retention is abysmal as they take advantage of the revolving door we unintentionally have built with our poor service—or had built by other nonprofit organizations whose unethical practices have tainted all of us in the minds of some would-be donors. These days, we have to give our donors a reason to talk positively about our organization to others. Here is my six-step plan to help that become a reality...
In last week’s blog, I discussed the characteristics of movements. One person, a “lone nut,” typically initiates movements. It is the subsequent followers, who are embraced as equals, who really lend power to the movement. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was a movement the likes of which are rarely seen. I had the opportunity to hear about this from the inside over dinner last week with Lance Slaughter, chief chapter relations and development officer of the ALS Association...
Since ancient times, we have been reminded that a true friend is loyal to us. Aristotle wrote, “A friend to all is a friend to none,” and Euripides said, “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.” Or, in the terms of today’s fundraisers, “One loyal donor is worth 10,000 fans, likes or followers whose engagement never goes further than that."